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Fire safety training.
Fire safety training
The fire safety rules of the Russian Federation, fixed in the legislative order, oblige employees of organizations to undergo fire safety training. At the same time, control over the training and testing of knowledge of fire safety rules of employees of organizations is with the representatives of the administration of these organizations. The program of training in fire safety measures (and its implementation) is drawn up by the state fire supervision authorities. The training of employees of organizations in fire safety measures includes fire safety instructions and the study of the fire-technical minimum.
Fire safety training programincludes familiarizing employees of organizations with the rules for the safe maintenance of the territory, building and premises, including evacuation routes, external and internal water supply, fire alarm systems and management of the evacuation process of people. During classes, the requirements of fire safety rules are learned, taking into account the specifics of the fire hazard of technological processes, industries and facilities. The responsibilities and specific actions of employees in the event of a fire are explained, as well as the rules for calling the fire department, the rules for the use of fire extinguishing equipment and fire automatic systems. Primary fire safety briefing is conducted by the administration of the organization according to special programs for training employees of organizations in fire safety measures. Training in fire safety standards is carried out taking into account the specifics of the organization's activities. There are several types of fire safety briefings: introductory,primary fire safety briefing at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted. Conducting introductory, primary, repeated, unscheduled, targeted fire safety briefings is recorded in the fire safety briefing log with the mandatory signature of the person being briefed and the person giving the briefing.
Introductory fire safety briefing
The briefing is conducted: with all employees newly hired, regardless of their education, length of service in the profession; with seasonal workers; with employees sent to the organization on business trips; with students arriving for production training or practical training; with other categories of employees by decision of the manager. Introductory fire safety briefing is conducted by the head of the organization or the person responsible for fire safety, appointed by order (instruction of the head of the organization. Introductory fire safety training is conducted in a specially equipped room using visual aids and teaching materials. The introductory fire safety training program is compiled taking into account the requirements of standards, rules, regulations and instructions on fire safety. The final part of the introductory training is practical training of actions in conditions of a fire and testing of knowledge of fire extinguishing equipment and fire protection systems.
Primary fire safety briefing
The briefing is conducted directly at the workplace: with all newly hired employees; with those transferred from one division of the organization to another; with employees performing new work; with employees seconded to the organization; with seasonal employees; with construction specialists performing construction, installation and other work on the territory of the organization; with students who have arrived for industrial training or practical training. The primary fire safety briefing with the specified categories of employees is carried out by the person responsible for ensuring fire safety in each structural division, appointed by the order of the head of the organization. Primary fire safety briefing is conducted with each employee individually, with a practical demonstration and practice of the skills of using primary fire extinguishing equipment, actions in the event of a fire, evacuation rules, and assistance to victims. Repeat fire safety training is conducted by the person responsible for fire safety, appointed by order of the head of the organization with all employees, regardless of qualifications, education, experience, nature of the work performed, at least once a year, and with employees of organizations with fire-hazardous production, at least once every six months.
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