Measures for the prompt detection of forest fires.

Measures for the prompt detection of forest fires

Measures for the prompt detection of forest fires

Detection of forest fires
In a fire-hazardous area, to create conditions for the timely detection of forest fires, it is necessary to ensure the availability of structures and constructions that allow monitoring of the emergence of signs of a fire; organize monitoring of forests from these observation points and ground patrols; conduct all necessary preparatory work on the territory of the forestry enterprise for aviation patrolling of forests in areas served by forest aviation protection bases, and ensure interaction in the work on detecting and reconnaissance of emerging fires with the relevant aviation departments. In some cases, concerning especially dangerous territories, satellite observers are used to detect forest fires.
More about the location of observation towers: fire observation towers are built and placed taking into account the terrain. An important condition is to ensure maximum visibility of the controlled area. Observation towers are built in the form of metal and wooden towers or masts, pavilions or other structures according to approved standard designs. The points should be located no further than 10-12 km from each other.
As for stationary observation posts, the observer's work is carried out throughout the fire-hazardous season. At observation posts, special geodetic angular instruments are used to accurately determine the location of the fire.
One of the most effective methods of detecting forest fires remains patrolling the area. Patrolling is organized by a team of state forest protection workers.
The territory is inspected along routes established taking into account the fire hazard classes of the plantings, the presence of fire sources and the fire hazard class according to weather conditions, as well as other factors that influence the possibility of forest fires. The patrol group must have a minimum set of means to extinguish a detected fire. When using satellites, effective monitoring of the area is also carried out for the occurrence of fires. Space photographs of individual hard-to-reach areas where regular air patrols are not carried out provide complete and accurate information about fires.

Organizing the extinguishing of forest fires
If a fire is detected in the controlled area, the head of the forestry enterprise is obliged to take all necessary measures to organize the extinguishing of forest fires and prevent the further spread of fire. First of all, this is the mobilization of forces and means to fight the fire. Voluntary fire brigades can also be used as forces. What actions should be taken for competent forest fire extinguishing organizations: means taking into account the probable strength, direction and speed of fire spread, taking into account the development of its crown. The leader must take measures to activate aviation forces and fire extinguishing equipment. The fire extinguishing leader must clearly set the task of localizing the fire and stopping the burning for each detachment that arrives to extinguish it. The commanders of each unit are required to maintain constant communication with the fire extinguishing leader and follow his instructions.

Fire extinguishing scheme
In the process of searching for the area where it is necessary to eliminate the source of fire, special maps are used — fire extinguishing schemes. They allow you to navigate the terrain. The map shows the entire fire situation in the work area, updated data obtained as a result of aerial and ground reconnaissance of the fire, predicted directions of its development, the main planned (planned) measures to combat it and other data on the implementation of the extinguishing plan. The fire extinguishing scheme is attached to the Forest Fire Protocol. In accordance with the compiled scheme, tactics and methods are developed for the fastest possible extinguishing of the fire by the arriving forces and means.
Fire extinguishing forces and means must be temporarily used to delay the spread of the fire until the end of reconnaissance work.
The purpose of reconnaissance is to provide the extinguishing manager with the necessary information to develop an operational extinguishing plan and monitor the state of the active and localized edges of the fires. Reconnaissance data is recorded in the fire extinguishing scheme or forest fire maps: rate of spread, strength, type of fire. If the fire has spread over a large area and has become protracted, the fire should be reconnoitered daily, and if the fire is spreading rapidly, twice a day, using the existing map and diagram.


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