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Filling out a fire declaration.
Filling out a fire declaration
Taking them into account, Article 64 of this law establishes the need for mandatory preparation of the so-called «Fire Safety Declaration» for facilities. Russian legislation provides for state examination of project documentation. It is necessary to remember that the fire declaration, once completed, is subject to registration within a year (until May 1, 2010) in the Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation. Violation of this requirement entails, in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses, liability of the person for the untimely provision of documentation.
Data in the fire declaration is entered in accordance with the form specially approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation No. 91 dated February 24, 2009.
When filling out the declaration, it is necessary to take into account that the objects of protection are warehouses and production facilities, office buildings, educational institutions, as well as residential buildings with more than three floors.
The fire declaration must provide for an assessment of the damage that may be caused by a fire, as well as an assessment of the fire risk. The declaration must also contain a list of federal laws concerning the regulations of technical and regulatory documents on fire safety, since the requirements of these regulations must be observed at the protected facility.
In order to correctly fill out a fire declaration, it is necessary to know and understand the requirements of federal legislation governing the preparation of the relevant documentation, and the owner of the premises must fully comply with these requirements.
Fire risk assessment is carried out at facilities if their owner complies with fire safety requirements established by technical regulations and regulatory documents. If the fire safety system fully complies with the documentation, it will be confirmed quickly and without complications.
With regard to facilities in operation at the time Law No. 123-FZ comes into force, a fire declaration must be submitted within a year after the law comes into force.
The fire declaration must be prepared by developers, as well as persons responsible for the preparation of the relevant documentation. In the event of changes in fire safety requirements, the fire declaration must be revised or clarified. All changes made to the fire declaration must be registered in the established manner.
Part 7 of Article 64 of the Law determines the mandatory requirement to draw up a fire safety declaration for protected objects. These include capital construction projects that require a state examination of project documentation.
The declaration must be submitted to the state bodies implementing fire supervision before the protected facility is put into operation, in a notification manner.
The compliance of the fire declaration with regulatory requirements is checked exclusively by employees of the state fire supervision bodies of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, only when supervisory activities are carried out at the facility.
It should be noted that in the event that all necessary fire safety requirements stipulated by Russian legislation are met, fire risk calculations are not mandatory.
The algorithm according to which the fire declaration is developed is given in the following diagram:
Download «Fire Declaration Form»
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