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Who to trust with real estate security.

As is well known, security cannot be cheap, unless, of course, the set of measures taken by the owner of commercial real estate is really aimed at protecting the facilities, and not, for example, at satisfying the requirements of the fire inspector. At the same time, and this is completely normal, any owner wants to get the maximum services for reasonable money. And if in many areas you can independently determine this very required maximum, then in matters of security you cannot do without the participation of qualified experts. Where to find them? The answer is simple: in leading companies that have long and firmly occupied their niches in the Russian security market, whose names have long become not only established brands, but also, if you like, synonyms for reliability and quality. One of such companies is Caesar Satellite, a leader in the field of security solutions since 1997. More than 70,000 clients have trusted the company with their protection. Every year, Caesar Satellite employees prevent more than 2,000 different offenses – attempted break-ins, thefts, and hooliganism at real estate properties.
Providing comprehensive protection for real estate, including commercial real estate, is the specialization of Caesar Satellite. The three main components of the company's efficient operation are modern equipment, high-quality monitoring, and timely response.
The company's specialists are not guided by the principle «the more expensive — the better», among the variety of equipment offered by the market they choose and offer customers truly reliable fire and security systems, tested by tens of thousands of installations around the world. Among the company's partners are leading global and Russian manufacturers, such as DSC, CADDX, Paradox, Jablotron, ADT, General Electric, Argus Spectr, etc. The proposed solutions take into account all the individual features of the property down to the smallest detail. An integral part of the selection of equipment configuration is a comprehensive expert assessment of the security of the property, a detailed analysis of existing and potential threats.

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How does the security monitoring system work? The facility is equipped with a control panel and a set of sensors, each of which reacts to its own type of threat (door opening, volume violation, movement, fire, smoke, water leakage, household gas leakage, etc.). The alarm signal is sent to the control panel, and from there via one of the communication channels (telephone line, cellular channels, GPRS and VPN GPRS channels, radio or Internet channel) it is transmitted to a single monitoring center, which unites five sites located in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Samara and Krasnodar. Caesar Satellite provides round-the-clock support to clients by up to 110 qualified specialists at a time. The center operator sends an emergency response service to the facility, and also notifies the owners of the facility or their authorized representatives about the occurrence of an emergency. Incoming calls and alarm signals are automatically distributed between the monitoring sites depending on their workload. The guarantee of the system's reliability is the interaction of two duplicate data processing centers equipped with powerful fault-tolerant servers.
An important factor is high-quality and prompt service, because the security system must function without fail. «Caesar Satellite» performs a full range of work on warranty and post-warranty service of systems, and the presence of its own warehouse with a full range of installed devices allows for the replacement of failed equipment in a short time.
Using the services of a monitoring company is pointless if the contractor cannot provide an effective response to incoming alarm signals. To this end, Caesar Satellite successfully solves the problems of reducing response time, increasing the number of stationary posts, auditing and strengthening the mechanical protection of the protected facility at the stage of system installation. In 2009, the crews of the Caesar Patrol! response team were equipped with traumatic weapons, and their number was doubled.
Response in the regions and at territorially remote facilities is carried out by friendly security structures, as well as police and non-departmental security teams, with whom Caesar Satellite has concluded more than 110 agreements on cooperation and interaction.
Experts are unanimous in the opinion that the demand for security monitoring services for commercial real estate will grow in the coming years, this is especially relevant for chain enterprises: retail stores and supermarkets, pharmacies, restaurants.
A set of mechanical protection devices combined with a fire alarm system is the best option for protection, providing round-the-clock monitoring and guaranteed assistance in case of an emergency. This is the protection that the clients of Caesar Satellite receive.

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