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Video surveillance is sweeping across Russia.

News selection on the operation of video surveillance systems in Russian cities.

6 million rubles will be allocated in Krasnodar for the installation of video surveillance cameras.

6 million rubles will be allocated in Krasnodar for the installation of video surveillance cameras in public places.

According to the press service of the mayor's office, the funds will be allocated within the framework of the implementation of the target program «Safe Krasnodar».

Currently, in Krasnodar, more than 2,300 surveillance and control cameras have already been installed at 116 facilities of various types of ownership — in schools and universities, sports and shopping and entertainment complexes, at train stations and in hospitals — the press service noted.

At the moment, a modern video surveillance system is operating in the «Olympus» Sports Palace, a number of hospitals, a diagnostic center and a maternity hospital, more than 80% of universities and secondary specialized educational institutions are equipped with the same systems.

«In order to ensure safety in schools and kindergartens, video surveillance systems are being installed there.

Currently, cameras are used to monitor order in 35 educational institutions of the city,» the press service added.

In addition, an automated traffic control system is being installed, which provides for the appearance of video cameras on the streets and roads.

The cameras will be combined into a single network, and specialists from the city's Internal Affairs Directorate will use the video information.

«The implementation of the Safe City complex will help to respond more quickly to violations, increase the detection rate of crimes by creating archives from surveillance cameras, and ensure public order in places where citizens gather,» the press service believes.

Anti-terrorist «security zones» will be created in 17 shopping centers in Yekaterinburg.

Shopping centers in the Ural capital continue to work to strengthen public safety inside their premises and in designated areas.

As the city committee for the commodity market told Novy Region, a set of such measures is intended to ensure anti-terrorist protection of facilities and create security zones in Yekaterinburg shopping centers.

In particular, this year, work to strengthen security is planned in 17 shopping centers in the city.

In total, there are 20 shopping centers in the Ural capital, and another 5 are planned to open this year.

Let us recall that the first measures to strengthen security in connection with thefts and burglaries of cars from city shopping centers were taken in 2007 and 2008.

During this time, 24 video surveillance cameras, a lot of speed bumps were installed in the parking lots of shopping centers, and patrols of adjacent areas were organized.

Three shopping centers also purchased metal detectors and organized so-called «alternative» parking lots.

An armored camera with a police call button is to appear on Lenin Square in Ryazan

A joint meeting of the heads of the city administration and the Ryazan police was held at the Ryazan Internal Affairs Department on the issue of putting into operation the integrated automated information and analytical system «Safe City».

In his opening speech, the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Ryazan Region, Major General of Police I.F. Perov, noted that the main goal of creating such a system is to ensure the safety of residents from criminal attacks, including terrorist threats, to increase the security of places of mass gatherings of citizens, objects of varying degrees of importance, and to increase the efficiency of work and the level of interaction between law enforcement agencies, government agencies, the Civil Defense and Emergencies Department, and other operational and public services.

The necessary technological equipment has been put into operation at the Internal Affairs Directorate. Powerful communication channels have been created with the internal affairs departments of the city of Ryazan.

This year, all territorial departments of internal affairs will be connected to a single information and telecommunications network via direct access channels.

Regional databases of information from internal affairs agencies and automated systems have been created that allow for automated identification of individuals and vehicles using video images.

The total amount of federal budget expenditure for these purposes currently amounts to over 250 million rubles.

Work is being carried out at the expense of the regional budget to create in the city of Ryazan a comprehensive system of video surveillance and television control based on a distributed network of video cameras with one center for processing and analyzing information, a system of stationary direct and reverse channels for emergency communication between the population and the police from places of mass gathering of citizens.

During the period 2006-2007, video surveillance and emergency communication systems «citizen-police» were installed on Sobornaya and Teatralnaya squares in the city of Ryazan.

Currently, video surveillance systems are being installed on Lenin Square.

Emergency communication devices and surveillance cameras will be installed in the Novgorod Region.

More than 200 emergency communication devices with the police and surveillance cameras will be installed in the Novgorod Region as part of the implementation of the «Safe City» project, a source in the regional police department told RIA Novosti.
«Most of the Citizen-Militia emergency communication devices and street video surveillance systems will be installed in Veliky Novgorod, where there will be 155 of them, in addition, 47 such devices will be installed in the cities of Borovichi and Staraya Russa,» the source said.

The exact completion date for the project has not yet been announced. At present, 66 emergency communication devices and video cameras are operating in the Novgorod Region.

About 8 million rubles were allocated from the regional budget in 2007-2008 for the implementation of the Safe City project.

«At the moment, the Novgorod police are completing work on creating a Situation Center, where all information from video surveillance devices will be received, and where police squads will be managed, which will promptly respond to violations of law and order,— the source added.

The video surveillance program in Moscow failed (it was in 2007).

In Moscow today there are about 80 thousand cameras — on the streets, in the entrances of buildings, in places of mass gatherings of people.

Nevertheless, this system, on which more than 500 million rubles from the budget have already been spent, is not actually working, the Vesti-Moscow channel reports.

«You arrive at the control center, there are grandmothers sitting there, each woman has 16 screens.

She is simply stunned by everything she sees on these screens, not because there is something so scary on them, but because it tires a person out terribly, he loses his attention,» Luzhkov noted at a meeting with representatives of law enforcement agencies.

Since the beginning of the year, 280 crimes have been solved with the help of video surveillance cameras — this is only 1% of all offenses. The capital's mayor demanded that officials urgently modernize the city's video surveillance system.

Nizhnevartovsk video surveillance system: results and plans.

Today, the Nizhnevartovsk mayor's office and the Department of Internal Affairs are considering the issue of increasing the number of video cameras to 250 pieces, which conduct round-the-clock video surveillance on the streets, roads, squares, etc. of the city of Nizhnevartovsk.

According to law enforcement officers, thanks to the existing street cameras, crime has significantly decreased in Nizhnevartovsk.

The first video cameras in the city were installed several years ago, and the video cameras were installed and purchased at the expense of the city budget, and the configurations and functions that Pelco video cameras perform are not used anywhere else in Russia.

All video cameras, and today there are about 150 of them, are installed in places with the largest concentration of people, such as train stations, squares, parks, as well as in the darkest and poorly lit alleys.

As the police officers themselves explained, the video cameras are designed in such a way that they not only record the face of the offender, but also, when the necessary parameters are set, they can recognize the face of the suspect among the crowd and send a signal to the control panel of law enforcement officers.

And this is only a small part of their «useful qualities», also all cameras are cold-resistant, which has been proven more than once by their trouble-free operation even in the most severe Siberian frosts.

So, today the issue of increasing the number of video cameras to 250 pieces is being considered, and this means the allocation of budget funds in the amount of about 2 million US dollars, but these are not the only costs, since the maintenance of this system costs the municipality 7 million rubles.

But the costs are justified, the police officers explain, and the evidence of this is the decrease in crime in the city.

By the way..

Video surveillance of students and teachers will be banned in Turkish schools.

The Turkish Ministry of Education has recognized the installation of surveillance cameras in school classrooms as a violation of the rights of teachers and students.

Now cameras are prohibited from being installed in classrooms of schools and kindergartens.

For several years now, Turkish schools have been equipping classrooms, locker rooms, bedrooms, and even toilets with cameras.

This is done so that parents can monitor their child via the Internet.

It is believed that this plays a positive role in raising and maintaining discipline.

However, there are problems from a legal point of view.

The fact is that installing cameras without the consent of teachers and students is not just surveillance, but surveillance.

Surveillance of strangers is illegal and is prosecuted by the court.

And it is impossible to track whether a parent is watching their child or watching other children and teachers as well.

The reason for the current ban was a trial of parents who were watching not only their child, but also their classmates and teachers.

The parents will have to pay a fine of 40.5 thousand dollars to the treasury.

Now cameras will be installed in the corridors, at the entrance, in the school yard and sports ground.

That is, in those places where they will ensure safety.

Published in 2007.

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