TV surveillance in automated parking systems.
The concept of «parking system» is very broad. It equally covers a barrier and a cash register, serviced by one operator, and a whole automated complex, the nomenclature of which includes dozens of different devices. The solution that is ultimately implemented at a particular facility depends on the area of the parking lot, the density of the traffic flow, the algorithm for controlling entry, exit and movement along floors and ramps required by the customer, as well as its financial capabilities. If until recently, the market was dominated by offers for installing ACS in parking lots. Today, more and more often, the customer prefers specialized solutions based on automated parking systems.
Such a system is generally a modular hardware and software complex. As a rule, it is possible to change its configuration and functionality depending on the area, architecture of the parking lot and the task set by the customer. The system can function autonomously under the control of an operator or be fully automated and be part of an integrated security system complex.
In principle, leading developers follow the same path: creating their own hardware and software complex taking into account the features and, accordingly, the requirements of additional parking equipment.
Security television systems are mainly used in parking complexes in two versions: video identification and recognition of vehicle license plates. Video identification involves video recording of an incoming vehicle. When the vehicle leaves the parking lot, the operator can determine whether the vehicle they want to pick up from the parking lot with the given pass is the right one. Manufacturers of many domestic and foreign systems are ready to provide this useful additional option to the customer.
The car number plate recognition system is not a parking system in itself. It does not have the functions of pricing, access control by cards or tickets with a bar code or magnetic strip. But by integrating it with an automated parking system, you can create a full-fledged complex of access and traffic flow accounting.
Modern systems provide control of up to two dozen passages by reading the front and rear license plates of cars. The system automatically compares the recognized number with all the numbers allowed for passage, recorded in the database. If a match is detected, a command is generated to open the barrier or turn on the permissive signal of the traffic light. If the data does not match, the system will not let the car out.
Using the «friend/foe» database and the archiving database (it is generated automatically) will allow you to obtain statistical data for the required period of time, keep any type of records, and also prevent such possible violations as: repeated entry, entry at a prohibited time or along an unauthorized route.
It should be noted that the effectiveness of license plate recognition largely depends on the type of video cameras used and how correctly they are configured.
The high demand for parking systems, which has been observed in the last few years, has led to the rapid growth of this market segment and the emergence of new interesting solutions. Thus, one of the Russian developments uses video analytics and image recognition algorithms. The system itself calculates how many vehicles are in the parking lot, recognizes occupied and free spaces, has a function of graphic indication on the parking map of the state of all parking spaces, and provides security video monitoring.
Working together with a system that provides entry/exit control, the parking video control system performs a number of additional functions: recognition of license plates and identification of additional vehicle characteristics, such as color, type, brand, etc.
If a vehicle database is used to organize the access control system for automatic access to the parking lot, the video surveillance system can operate in three modes:
- automatic recognition of state registration plates of vehicles for verification with the access control database;
- access control using access cards and checking the registration plate and vehicle appearance against the reference data stored in the ACS database and linked to the access card number;
- checking the vehicle appearance and state registration plate at the entrance to and exit from the parking lot.
The system combines overview and dome cameras into a single complex. Its operating principle is to detect a vehicle using overview cameras and then capture the number using a dome camera. It is also possible to obtain an image of the driver of the vehicle.
Experts see one way to improve such systems in the use of high-resolution digital cameras. When using them, the problem of interlaced scanning is solved, the capture band increases and, as a result, the reliability of the recognition system increases.
An increase in the number of recognition bands per camera can be achieved by increasing the resolution and using network cameras, as well as transferring recognition directly to the camera (again, network).
There are also examples on the market that clearly demonstrate the market's readiness to solve very complex problems. Thus, at one of the sites in Moscow, a solution was implemented that allowed not only to integrate access control and management and the vehicle number plate recognition system into a single system, but also to automate the processes of recognition and access control.
The garage in the residential complex needed to be equipped with a system that would prevent an intruder who lives in the complex and has the right of access from driving away in someone else's car. To eliminate the possibility of theft using such a scheme, it was decided to make an integrated system that would combine two independent programs (access and number recognition) and two databases (a database of persons who have the right of access to the facility and a database of car numbers). In essence, to solve the problem of passage with automated dual control. The algorithm of the system is as follows.
When entering, the vehicle owner holds a personal proximity card to the contactless reader, while a video camera records and recognizes the state registration plate of the vehicle. The system compares the proximity card number and the vehicle registration plate with the database. If there is a match, the barrier opens and the traffic light turns on, allowing access to the vehicle. Otherwise, the vehicle will be denied access. To eliminate the reason for the access denial, the vehicle owner can contact the central security post via a video intercom. The video intercom call panel is installed next to the contactless proximity reader. The movement and parking of cars on the territory of the parking garage are monitored by internal video surveillance cameras, which allow the security post staff to promptly respond to any situations, such as traffic jams at the entrance/exit, parking a car in someone else's place, and also allow them to assess the external condition of the cars (scratches, dents, etc.). A continuous archive of video recordings is maintained for at least 30 days.

We thank the specialists of the companies «Vokord» and «ByteErg» for their help in preparing the material
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