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Using vandal-proof cameras in megacities.

Using Vandal-Proof Cameras in Megacities Using Vandal-Proof Cameras in Megacities With the advent of the industrial era, the population of cities is rapidly increasing everywhere, and it is unlikely that changes in the trends towards further urbanization are expected, so in this article I would like to raise the issue of human safety in large cities and megacities, which is especially relevant during mass events.
For example:

On August 2, Russia celebrated Airborne Forces Day, a professional holiday for former and current servicemen of the airborne troops. According to tradition, the celebration was accompanied by swimming in fountains, permanent drinking of alcoholic beverages, hooliganism, fights and other antisocial behavior of people in striped shirts and blue berets.
The past holiday once again clearly demonstrated the need to create a single comprehensive system for maintaining law and order in places of mass presence of people in the realities of modern large cities. Perhaps the most important element of such a system are high-speed vandal-proof cameras, such as the Ai-SD28 color camera. This model is especially suitable for use in conditions where it is necessary to monitor large areas, intersections, parks and forest parks. The camera body is made of impact-resistant polycarbonate, which can protect against aggressive impact, so you can not worry about damage to the equipment. The built-in «day/night» function will allow you to continue monitoring even in minimal illumination.
In conditions of variable lighting, for example, when the camera is illuminated by light from car headlights, it is most advantageous to use the external color vandal-proof IP camera Ai-SD99W, the image quality of which will be maintained unchanged due to the wide dynamic range of the camera. The use of IP cameras in large video surveillance systems provides wide analytical capabilities for these systems, and also allows the user to decide, depending on the specific task, whether to focus on a good level of quality while saving memory space, or to focus on image detail.

As part of a comprehensive video surveillance system for large areas, in order to be able to see the whole picture, Acumen recommends installing fixed outdoor video surveillance cameras in addition to high-speed cameras. Especially effective in this case will be the color vandal-proof cameras Ai-IR93 and Ai-IR97N. Both cameras have built-in long-range IR illumination (60 and 160 meters), the housings are made of durable zinc alloy, which in some cases can even protect against bullet shots. Of course, all Acumen outdoor cameras have a sealed waterproof housing that protects the cameras from precipitation, wind, sun, dust and temperature changes in the range from -55 ° C to + 60 ° C.
Video information continuously coming from all city cameras to video surveillance posts located in police departments allows us to create a complete picture of the events taking place, which is necessary for preventing and promptly responding to emergency situations, solving crimes and analyzing various incidents. All this significantly increases the safety of the urban environment during mass events!

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