Training of industry specialists: problems and solutions.
Training of industry specialists: problems and solutions.
Author: Alexander MALTSEV, technical director of Intel Tectum, candidate of technical sciences
In recent Over the years, it has become possible to staff the security departments of departments, companies and enterprises with specialists who have received basic training in educational institutions of higher professional education.
However, this applies only to information and economic security departments.
Educational institutions of higher education practically do not train specialists in engineering and technical security equipment (ITSO) and anti-terrorist protection systems.
The reason for this is the lack of educational standards in the field of training ITSO specialists and anti-terrorism protection equipment, which does not allow higher education institutions to train qualified specialists in this field.
The disciplines “Technical security equipment”, “Integrated complexes of technical security equipment” and similar ones are present in the training programs of some higher educational institutions with technical specialization in the amount of 80 to 200 hours, and in some cases more than 300 hours over 5-6 years training. However, the main specialty of graduates, as a rule, remains one of the related specialties from a technical point of view.
For example, the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, the Voronezh Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, with a fairly large course in the study of ITSO, prepares graduates in specialty “Communication networks and switching systems”. St. Petersburg
The Military Institute of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, with a sufficiently detailed study of ITSO, also trains graduates in a related specialty.
At Penza State University, ITSO tools and complexes are studied as part of the training of graduates in the specialty «Autonomous information and control systems» «.
Thus, educational institutions of higher professional education mainly train specialists for law enforcement agencies, while the main specialty of the graduate is one of the related specialties provided for by educational standards.
Under these conditions, the training of specialists in the field ITSO and anti-terrorism protection systems for security services of companies and enterprises is possible only within the framework of professional retraining of specialists with a basic related specialty in institutions of additional professional education.
For example, such as the training and methodological center of the GUNITS «Security» of the Main Military District of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Moscow region, Balashikha), the training center of CJSC «Company Security» (Moscow), etc.
Activities of the ITSO unit to ensure the security of facilities in the general case, it is aimed at preventing damage to the enterprise.
Damage is caused to the enterprise (organization) when certain threats are realized, which may be different for different industries, at the same time there are general types of threats .
Such threats include illegal entry into a facility, theft of material assets, and terrorist attacks, but the likelihood of their occurrence and threat models for enterprises and organizations in different industries are different. Since the implementation of threats is often industry specific, industry specialization is of great importance for professional retraining.
It is obvious that the system of professional retraining of specialists in ITSO and anti-terrorism protection systems in the interests of departmental security units in these conditions should include industry educational institutions (training centers), professional retraining programs and a management body for the retraining system.
Industry training centers (training grounds as part of training centers), it is advisable to create on the basis of standard departmental facilities equipped with standard ITSO systems and anti-terrorist protection means.
They typically implement the following learning objectives:
— study of the physical principles of operation and theoretical foundations for the construction of ITSO and anti-terrorist defense means;
— familiarization with the construction of standard ITSO complexes and anti-terrorism protection equipment, characteristic of standard enterprises in the industry; — development of practical skills in the technical operation and repair of ITSO and anti-terrorism protection equipment;
— development of practical skills for actions in emergency situations related to penetration into a protected facility;
— development of practical skills in the interaction of the security service with law enforcement agencies and civil defense and emergency departments.
Professional retraining programs with specialization in ITSO and anti-terrorist defense systems, regardless of the departmental affiliation of the training center, must be licensed in the system of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
Currently, there are a number of such industry training centers, for example, the training center of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise «Department of Private Security» of the Ministry of Transport of Russia, the training center of DOAO «Gazproektengineering», etc.
Training programs for such centers are usually designed to improve the qualifications of specialists in two profiles:
— ITSO system designers;
— technical specialists performing technical operation of ITSO systems.
An analysis of the existing system for advanced training of specialists in the area of ITSO and anti-terrorism protection systems allows us to identify certain shortcomings:
— as a rule, there are no qualification requirements for specialists undergoing training in advanced training programs;
— the absence, as a rule, of training programs for advanced training aimed at heads of ITSO departments;
— the absence in the content of training programs of issues related to the creation and operation of anti-terrorist protection systems for facilities;
— training programs usually poorly address the issues of technical maintenance and repair of ITSO and anti-terrorist protection facilities;
— the need to separate specialists from their duties for a long period of time.
In recent years, distance education technologies have attracted increased interest in the Russian education system. A number of projects are successfully developing, in particular those related to higher education for Russian students at foreign universities without long trips abroad.
One of the main advantages of using distance learning opportunities from the point of view of company management is the lack of the need to relieve employees from performing their job duties for a long period of time.
Currently, in Russia, three groups of distance learning technologies are used in different versions: case technology, Internet technology and telecommunication technology.
Each of them has certain advantages and disadvantages. Case technology provides for the provision of educational information resources to students in the form of specialized sets of educational and methodological complexes (cases) intended for independent study using various types of information media.
Technical means are used to ensure contact between students and the teacher, as well as to provide them with additional information resources.
A significant role is given to the organization of face-to-face classes (consultations) as part of a group of students and individually, conducted by a teacher. The main disadvantages of the technology include, firstly, the need to use organizational control measures to ensure that tasks are completed personally and within a certain time frame.
Secondly, the difficulty of objectively assessing the effectiveness of training using case studies -technologies.
Internet technology is based on the use of global and local computer networks to provide students with access to educational information resources posted on the website of the educational center.
The main disadvantage of Internet technology is that after completing the training, the student does not have the opportunity to reuse the training material. Accordingly, after a specialist who has completed the training course leaves the company, there is a need to train the newcomer, which leads to additional financial expenses for the enterprise.
Telecommunication technology implies the use of modern technical and information means in the educational process telecommunications such as teleconferencing and videophone.
These tools provide two-way communication between teacher and student. There are a number of problems when using telecommunication technologies in education. The main ones include the organizational and technical complexity of implementing such distance learning technology.
For example, distance learning can create a significant load on the corporate network. The Internet connection may be too slow and the end-to-end quality of service may be quite poor. The use of technology requires significant investment in hardware for training (for example, sound cards, speakers, video cameras, etc.).
Most suitable for advanced training of specialists in the field of ITSO and anti-terrorist defense systems a case technology is presented, supplemented by means of technical knowledge control based on professionally oriented software.
Having such general advantages as the opportunity to undergo training on the job and without traveling to an educational institution, reasonable training time, relatively low cost of training, the ability to develop the use of training programs with industry specialization, such a distance learning system has certain advantages over other systems.
It can be used as a means of face-to-face training in the computer class of the training center in some disciplines of educational courses.
In addition, the knowledge control and testing system can be used at the enterprise as a tool for internal certification of ITSO employees and anti-terrorism protection systems.
Currently, a number of educational institutions implements such forms of distance learning.
For example, the non-state educational institution «Center for Entrepreneurial Risks», St. Petersburg, etc.
The use of a special automated knowledge control system makes it possible to conduct final testing without visiting an educational institution. However, it is necessary to recognize that it is more appropriate, before issuing a certificate of advanced training or a diploma of professional retraining, to conduct face-to-face testing or an interview with a teacher on the studied course.
Practical experience allows us to draw a conclusion about the current trend of expanding the scope of application of distance learning technology and its elements, in particular technical systems for monitoring and testing knowledge.
The realities of today clearly show that, due to objective reasons The security systems industry is steadily expanding. This naturally increases the demand for qualified specialists in the labor market.
The process of transition from professional retraining and advanced training of industry employees who have a basic education in a related specialty to the training of specialists in educational institutions of higher professional education is inevitable. I really want to hope that this is a matter of the very near future.
Currently, in accordance with the Rules for the development and approval of federal state educational standards, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 24, 2009 No. 142, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation is beginning to accept draft federal state educational standards developed on an initiative basis by educational and scientific organizations.
However, even in the list of specialties of higher professional education for the presentation of draft federal state educational standards, there is no specialty “Engineering and technical means of security and anti-terrorism protection” or similar in content.
And there are no standards for a simple reason. Education in such specialties is not provided for either by the current List of areas of training (specialties) of higher professional education, or by the All-Russian Classifier of Educational Specialties OK 009-2003.
We open the All-Russian Classifier of Worker Professions, Employee Positions and Tariff Grades OK 016-94 in the latest edition and we can state that there is no such profession! There are quite a lot of specialties in the field of information security, but neither technicians nor engineers for the operation, maintenance and repair of ITSO and anti-terrorism protection equipment are included in the classifier.
Therefore, the first step to training qualified ITSO specialists and the means of anti-terrorism protection in educational institutions of higher professional education should be the recognition of the fact that such a profession exists and, as a result, the introduction of appropriate changes to the All-Russian Classifier of Worker Occupations, Employee Positions and Tariff Classes OK 016-94 and the All-Russian Classifier of Educational Specialties OK 009-2003.
The next step should be the proactive development of a draft federal educational standard for higher professional education in the relevant specialty and its inclusion in the list of specialties of higher professional education for the presentation of draft federal state educational standards.