Special equipment with “solid” memory: versatility, quality, reliability..

Special equipment with “solid” memory: versatility, quality, reliability.

UKOV Vyacheslav Sergeevich,
Candidate of Technical Sciences


The latest achievements in modern microelectronics have significantly improved the basic characteristics of the element base, in particular, processors and memory chips, which in turn has made it possible to significantly improve the operational and technical characteristics of special technical means of storing and processing information. The article examines the state and trends in the development of new technologies for the creation of special equipment, in particular, integrated media and storage devices.

It is known that the operational and technical characteristics of equipment depend primarily on the characteristics and features of the element base used. This is especially evident in the example of the development of technical means of storing information used to solve such problems as hidden audio and video surveillance, information protection, transmission of special information via communication channels, etc. Analysis of the development of modern microelectronics shows that at present the cycle of creating new equipment and technologies is only 2-3 years, which is facilitated by achievements in the field of creating a microelement base, primarily in the field of memory chips and microprocessors.

State and prospects for the development of the microelectronic element base

If we evaluate the achievements of modern microelectronics in the field of creating an element base in an integrated manner, they can be described by only two main technological parameters:

  • the thickness of the insulating lines of the gates of microprocessors (a);
  • the size of the half-pitch of the elements of RAM devices (b).

The process of changing these parameters over time, taking into account the forecast, is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Dynamics of change in the main technological parameters of microcircuits

An analysis of the main technological characteristics presented in Fig. 1 shows that over the past 20 years, their change over time is well approximated by the experimentally established Moore's law: every 1.5 years, the values ​​of the characteristics improve, on average, by two times. Naturally, the main technical characteristics of the microcircuits, such as memory capacity and processor complexity, depend on these technological parameters. Fig. 2 shows the dynamics of the development of the main characteristics of DRAM (dynamic random access memory) memory microcircuits, in particular, the number of memory cells on a single crystal.

Fig. 2. Dynamics of DRAM memory microcircuit development

A similar forecast was used, in particular, in developing the microelectronics development program by the Semiconductor Industry Association of the United States (SIA), the main provisions of which are presented in Table 1 and which can be used to forecast the capabilities of modern microelectronics in the field of memory chips.

Table 1. Prospects for the development of the main parameters of the modern element base

Characteristics of the element base 2001 2003 2006 2009 2012
Density of DRAM cells, million pcs/sq. cm 380 770 2.2х103 6.1х103 17х103
Density of transistors in MP, million pcs/sq. cm 10 18 39 84 180
Density of elements in specialized integrated circuits, million pcs/sq. cm 16 24 40 64 100
Number of body pins 1 195 1460 1970 2655 3585
Crystal area, mm:  
    —  memory 445 560 790 1120 1580
    — processor 385 430 520 620 750
Minimum supply voltage, V 1.2-1.5 1.2-1.5 0.9-1.2 0.6-0.9 0.5-0.6
Maximum number of editing levels 7 7 7-8 8-9 9
Maximum processor clock frequency, GHz 2 4 6 8 10

Comparison of the forecasted and actual parameters achieved at present shows that the forecast coincides quite well with practice. Of course, it is necessary to take into account that the presented forecast reflects the capabilities of advanced countries in the field of microelectronics. For example, Samsung Electronics became the first company in the world to complete the development of a DRAM (DRAM) chip using Rambus (RDRAM) technology with a capacity of 288 Mbit and, on its basis, to create a RIMM Module (Rambus In-line Memory Module) with a capacity of 576 MB (!). To produce such highly integrated chips with a capacity of 288 Mbit, which are twice as productive as the previous high-speed version of 144 Mbit, 0.17-micron technology was used, which improved the speed of information processing per clock cycle to 800 Mbit per second. Thus, the new device is capable of processing information equivalent to, for example, 6550 newspaper pages per second (!). Sony was quick to use dual-channel RDRAM modules running at 1.6 GHz. Since 2000, such chips have been installed in digital TVs, tape recorders, and set-top boxes to perform faster decoding of the MPEG-2 format used for data compression. All technological processes for producing a 4 Gb chip using 0.13-micron technology have now been completed. Five leading chip manufacturers — Hyundai Electronics Industries, Infineon Technologies, Micron Technology, NEC, and Samsung Electronics — have announced their intention to begin working with Intel on creating the next generation of high-performance DRAM modules. It is known that the technology being created is intended for applications that will appear after 2003, and will probably be first used in the release of 1 Gb DRAM modules. For comparison, it can be noted that at present, for example, static dictaphones use mass-produced RAM (static memory) microcircuits with a capacity of 256 MB.

Static dictaphones and information storage devices

Modern advances in the field of element base, in particular, digital memory, have made a kind of revolution in the field of miniature special equipment, especially in the field of creating kinematic-free (or, as they are sometimes called, static) digital tape recorders. Although, to be precise, it is no longer correct to apply such a familiar word to this equipment as a tape recorder, since the information carrier used in it is no longer magnetic. In addition, it is necessary to note such a feature of modern information storage devices as their versatility and indifference to the type of recorded information. In particular, modern technologies make it possible to create such integrated memory devices that can record and store for a long time, almost any information, including audio, text, graphic, etc.

Distinctive features and classification of special information storage devices are shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. Distinctive features and classification of special information storage devices

As can be seen from Figure 3, there is currently a wide range of storage devices that differ from each other in their operating principles, type of input signal, storage medium, recorded information, preliminary processing, design, etc. One of the implementation options for an integrated storage device is shown in Figure 4.

LPF — low-pass filter;
SZO — sample storage circuit;
CC — comparison circuit;
RPA — approximation storage register;
DAC — digital-to-analog converter;
MPS — microprocessor system

Fig. 4. Functional diagram of the integrated information processing and storage system (option of using removable flash memory and PCM codec)

Today, a large number of portable digital audio recording devices have appeared on the security market. Among them, we can note such devices as a pen-shaped voice recorder (SVR-P700), a bar-shaped voice recorder (SVR-240), a block-shaped voice recorder (SEL DR-01), etc. The main comparative characteristics of digital static voice recorders and solid-state storage devices, the most promising for use in solving practical problems and presented today on the Russian market, are given in Table 2.

Table 2. Comparative characteristics of solid-state storage devices


recording duration, min

Power supply, V Continuous
operation, hours
dimensions, mm, (weight, g)
Storage medium
V520 520 4.5 (3xAA) 9- GP, Duracell
19- FR6 L91
Built-in flash memory
SEL DR-01 “Sputnik-1200” 1200
(20 MB)
2.4 (2xAAA battery) 8-20 Block,
flash memory
(40 MB)
2.4 (2xAAA battery) 8-20 Block,
flash memory
“Putnik-1” 772 (96 MB),
52 (7 MB)
4.5 (3xAAA) 10 Block, 111x62x21, (165) Compact flash cards
SVR — P700
(voice pen)
70 (8 MB) 1.5 (1xAAA) 4 Fountain pen,
flash memory:
99 messages
SVR — P240 238 (8 MB) 3.0 (2xAAA) 6.5-play.
Bar, 125x25x15.5,
flash memory: 199 messages
SVR-S820 502
(16 MB)
3.0 (2xAAA) 6.5 Block,
flash memory:
396 messages
EDIC 1860 2.4 (2xAAA battery) 48- entry;
4320- directory
16 MB-internal
16 MB-external
EDIC-mini 90 1.5 (1xAA) 40 Bar,
Flash memory:
16 MB
CM-DELTA 968 (440 MB)
200-6000 Hz,
23-103 dBA
3.6 (3xAAA battery) 9 Block,
Flash card
U-7002 800 (220 MB) 1600 (440 MB) 3 .0 (2xAAA) 13.3 Block,
Flash card
D — 1000 32 (2 MB);
70 (4 MB);
140 (8 MB)
3.0 (2xAA) 8 Block, 121x46x23,
(170 )
Replaceable mini-cards
2, 4, 8 MB
DS-150 150 3.0 (2xAA)   Block,
Built-in flash memory
BM-5 540 1.5 (1xAAA)   Block,
Built-in flash memory


60 3.0 (2xAA) 72 Block,
flash memory:
128 messages
N 3210 rec
(camouflaged voice recorder)
240 From the
power source
of the radiotelephone
  In the Nokia 3210 cell phone Microchip

The absence of moving parts and the use of fully metal cases significantly improve the characteristics of static storage devices. Thus, the main distinctive feature of the devices under consideration is the ability to provide deep suppression of parasitic radiation and interference, which significantly improves their operational and technical characteristics, in particular, in such indicators as compliance with the requirements for PEMIN and protection from external electromagnetic influences. In addition, the second distinctive feature of most modern storage devices is their invariance (indifference) to the type of information being recorded, be it audio, text or graphic.

As a rule, for recording analog information, for example, from the output of microphones, digital storage devices have analog-to-digital converters at the input (Fig. 4), which essentially makes them universal devices for recording and storing information. The use of a discrete element base ensures high operational characteristics (in terms of reliability, signal quality, service life, etc.). One of the most important operational and technical characteristics of special information storage devices is the maximum possible recording/playback time, by which, as a first approximation, a comparative analysis of storage devices can be carried out. In Fig. 5 shows comparative characteristics of the dependence of the maximum recording/playback time on the volume of flash memory of information storage devices, and, for comparison, the solid line shows the maximum recording characteristics without information compression in the PCM-64 pulse-code modulation mode (8 kHz, 8 bits) at a speed of 64 kbps.

  • The scale is logarithmic.
  • The dotted line shows the characteristics for different flash memory volumes.

Fig. 5. Comparative characteristics of the dependence of the maximum possible recording/playback time on the volume of flash memory of storage devices

It should be noted that comparing the quality of various storage devices is not a trivial task and requires more attention.

Firstly, because the quality of the recorded information and the range of recorded frequencies require a proportional increase in the memory capacity (the more, the better). Therefore, Fig. 5 shows comparative characteristics reduced to the maximum possible recording/playback time for a given drive.

Secondly, it is necessary to take into account that the main principle of reducing the required memory volume at present is the use of various methods of compression of the recorded information, in particular, LPC vocoders for speech information or the MPEG compression algorithm for video information. For example, in the “Sputnik-1200” product, three compression algorithms are used depending on the required frequency band and recording quality: vocoder-6400 (recording density of 6.4 kbit/s), PCM-8 kHz (recording density of 64 kbit/s), PCM-16 kHz (recording density of 128 kHz).

Thirdly, the operational and technical characteristics of modern data storage devices depend significantly on additional service capabilities, such as, for example, the functions VOR” (Voice Operating Record), “Repeat” (one, file, all), “VOX”, “SCVA (silence time compression), “Index”, “Hold”, the presence of a covertly portable control panel, communication with an external personal computer, etc.

The analysis of the materials presented in Table 2 shows that information carriers play a special role among the technical means of special equipment, which determine the main operational and technical characteristics of voice recorders and data storage devices

New technologies and technical means of recording and storing information

It should be noted that static dictaphones, although they are among the first devices that effectively use the achievements of modern microelectronics, are not the only ones. The characteristics of electronic memory achieved today have made it possible to make a kind of breakthrough in the direction of creating devices for recording and storing various types of information (speech, music, graphics, video).

Thus, Toshiba has released its first portable digital audio player. The device supports not only the MP3 format, but also SolidAudio, developed by Kobe Steel, and comes with a collection of selected recordings. The approximate price of the diGO model, measuring 8.6 x 5.4 x 1 cm and weighing 52 g, is $300. The device uses SmartMedia memory modules.

A similar trend in the introduction of new technologies is observed in the field of video recording — digital video recorders are conquering the market. An illustrative example of the influence of the element base on the market of modern technical means of storing and processing information is the active distribution of a new technology for recording and storing video information — DVD players, developed in 1996 and today actively introduced to the Russian market. Currently, 25 brands of DVD players are presented on the market. It is predicted that in 2001 their cost will fall from 435 dollars to 250 dollars. Taking this into account, as well as the forecast presented in Fig. 2, a very important conclusion can be made that in total in 3-4 years DVD players and solid-state tape recorders will begin to displace traditional video tape recorders, similar to how traditional voice recorders are currently being replaced by non-kinematic ones with memory chips. As shown above, this is confirmed by the fact that in 1999-2000 a large number of static voice recorders and data storage devices with a recording time of more than 1 hour entered the Russian market of special equipment. A further increase in recording time is determined by the appearance of appropriate memory chips.

Several DVD companies (Hewlett Packard, Sony, Mitsubishi, Richon and Yamaha) have promised to soon introduce a new development — a DVD+RW (Rewritable) recording drive. The drive will be built on technology similar to CD-RW and will use single-sided, 3 GB capacity, 120 mm in diameter (like a regular CD) discs. This technology will probably conquer the same place that CD currently occupies.

A new and most compact specification of expansion cards for portable devices has been developed. Panasonic Mini Media Storage Device cards can be used in handheld computers and laptops, digital video and photo cameras, PDAs, electronic sound recording devices due to their characteristics, which are practically identical to those of conventional PCMCIA cards. Linear flash memory is presented in two configurations — 4 and 8 MB. Additionally, ATA (AT Application) flash cards with a capacity of 4, 8, 16, 24, 32 and 48 MB have been developed. A PCMCIA adapter is used to connect them. Among this class of memory cards, it is also necessary to note the latest development of Sony — universal memory cards of the Memory Stick type, intended for storing information in computers, electronic secretaries, digital video and photo cameras, electronic storage devices, etc.

Another promising new product is the ATA Flash Mega Storage Device model with a capacity of 80 and 160 MB. It was possible to increase the data recording speed by 40% (0.65 MB/s), which significantly exceeds the parameters of similar devices. Plus, it has low power consumption, vibration and shock resistance.

American Computer Company has announced a new solid-state drive it has developed. The capacity of the new drive is 90 GB, and the time required to read one megabyte of information is 10 ns (i.e., a read speed of 103 TB/s(!)). The power consumption of the new drive is “negligible.” A prototype PC without RAM has been created. It is planned to use the 090b8 drive with a recorded Windows NT OS for computers based on one or more Pentium II processors. The 090b8 has been available to the mass consumer since 2000. The approximate price of the drive is $895.

Castlewood Systems produces ORB removable disks. The capacity of the removable disk is 2.16 GB, the data transfer rate is 12.2 MB/s, the price of the drive together with the disk is 200 dollars, the price of the removable disk is 30 dollars. In terms of speed, the disk is almost as fast as hard drives and surpasses all other removable media: magneto-optical, high-density floppy, DVD and tape.

One of the distinctive trends of recent times has been integration, in particular, the fusion (convergence) of computer technologies with television receivers, telephones, video equipment and various set-top boxes. Large capacity and high access speed allow using ORB disks for recording digital video. Using the MPEG-2 compression algorithm, 2.16 GB can hold 133 minutes of S-VHS quality video. In audio equivalent, the disk capacity will be 204 minutes of CD-quality audio (44.1 kHz, 16 bit).

The MP3 player is smaller than a three-inch floppy disk (91x70x16.5 mm), and weighs only 65 grams, not including two standard batteries. It has 16 megabytes of memory and an MPEG-3 decoder. Three-dimensional sound and mega-bass are supported. The memory can be expanded to 64 megabytes — and this will give a playing time even longer than that of a CD.

The kit includes a docking station, into which the player is inserted to charge the batteries and download music from the computer. The interface is a parallel port (it should take no more than a minute to receive all 16 megabytes). The download program allows you to transfer any files between the player's memory and the computer in both directions, regardless of their content, so mp-man (named by analogy with the walkman audio player) can be used to transfer and store arbitrary data. Music files can also be downloaded via the Internet.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Media Lab has announced the completion of a key part of the future MPEG-4 audio and video data representation standard. This development, as emphasized in the announcement, is intended primarily to improve the quality of digital audio technology, allowing stereo sound, executed by processors from a compressed file or transmitted via digital communications channels, to reach CD quality.

A new development by the Media Lab in the field of sound processing — Structured Audio, which is a set of specifications for defining and transmitting audio information, should play an important role in promoting the new standard. In existing audio standards, sound is usually represented as a bit stream, while in Structured Audio, the content is essentially a program that is translated into sound on the user's computer. This is a very effective method that allows for a radical increase in the transmission speed (or the volume of recording in the storage device) of audio data while simultaneously improving the quality.

Thus, new microelectronic and information technologies today allow for a significant improvement in the operational and technical characteristics of special technical means, in particular, digital integrated devices for accumulating and processing special information.

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