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Security training and tactics.
Security training and tactics
Private security guard training school
Anyone who wants to work in the security industry can undergo training at a private security guard training school, of which there are already quite a lot today. Training involves not only acquiring the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge, but also obtaining documents that give the right to carry out security activities.
As a rule, in a private security guard training schoolAt the beginning, a basic course is introduced. The «base» includes such disciplines as: the basics of tactical and special training, firearms training and hand-to-hand combat. As part of the firearms training, future employees are informed about the basics of ballistics, the technique of shooting from a pistol and a revolver. Particular attention is paid to the correct position for shooting, grip and correct breathing, psychological concentration when working with weapons, in particular, with the development of the rules for the use of weapons by a security guard. Masters of various martial arts teach the basics of hand-to-hand combat. Reaction speed is developed, endurance, flexibility and strength are increased. In addition, some private security guard training schools teach how to search for and defuse explosive devices and illegal covert surveillance devices. A first aid course is necessarily included in the private security guard training program.
Security guard skills
During the training period, regardless of the specific educational institution, specific professional skills of the security guard must be developed. Practical training of security guards consists of special training and applied physical training. Special training involves conducting training sessions in which the practical skills of a security guard are practiced upon receiving an «alarm» signal, as well as tactical techniques and methods of interaction with each other when countering various illegal attacks.
The security guard must be able to inspect the facility according to all the rules (in accordance with the facility security plan); competently establish contact with the offender; interact with law enforcement officers; comply with all safety requirements when using weapons and special equipment. The training plan must provide for all stages of work in the practice of security activities and contribute to the emergence of professional skills of the security guard.
Security tactics
During training, a future private security guard must master a special discipline that examines security tactics. At the end, you will have to pass the corresponding exam. Here are some sample exam questions with answers.
1. A security guard on duty in an office heard gunshots in the next room. Which of the options should he choose?
— Take measures to notify law enforcement agencies, prepare available weapons (special means) for use, and then, using the office environment for cover, find out the cause of the shooting
2. Which of the following classifications most broadly covers the possible types of protected objects:
— Protected objects are divided into stationary and mobile
3. Which regulatory act allows security guards to prevent persons who have not presented the required documents from entering the protected object:
— Law of the Russian Federation «On Private Detective and Security Activities in the Russian Federation»
4. What is the best way to inform visitors about the access control rules established at a protected facility:
— Posting information about the rules established by the customer at the entrance to the protected area
5. Initial actions of a security guard upon detection of an object with signs of an explosive device:
— Record the time of detection, take measures to fence off and protect approaches to the danger zone, inform law enforcement agencies
6. Initial actions of a security guard in the event of an explosive device being triggered at a protected facility:
— Record the time of the explosion, ensure an organized and rapid evacuation of employees of the protected facility for safe removal, inform law enforcement agencies, organize assistance to victims
7. Persons who introduce themselves as employees of the non-departmental security of the internal affairs agencies who have arrived in response to an alarm are attempting to enter the guarded facility. The guard must:
— Let those who have arrived at the facility enter after a verification call to the duty officer of the non-departmental security unit
8. The most effective measures to ensure the safe protection of funds collected from the facility are:
— Preliminary inspection of approaches to the facility, approach of a vehicle for transporting funds at a minimum distance, mutual insurance of security personnel
9. When preventing an attempt by a group of offenders to penetrate a protected facility, the most effective and rational means of counteraction is:
— Use of engineering and technical means
10. An additional tactical action during detention carried out by security guards may be:
— Blowing whistle signals, as adopted by the internal affairs agencies
11. Effective tactical actions of security guards to ensure the security of a protected facility include:
— Warning, detection, and then — suppression of threats to the security of the facility (within the powers and tactical capabilities of the security guards)
12. Effective tactical actions of security guards to inspect a car for possible installation of explosive devices begin:
— From an inspection of the surrounding area, and then from checking the connections between the car and surrounding objects (including the road surface).
This is an incomplete list of questions on the course security tactics.
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