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Security School.

«A specialist is like a gumboil: his completeness is one-sided.»
Kozma Prutkov

The security systems market, perhaps like no other, requires specialists to have knowledge from a wide variety of fields, such as electrical engineering, radio engineering, television, solid state physics, optics, mechanics, digital technology, chemistry, information technology, engineering psychology…

The lack of such knowledge is usually replenished over time by experience (this happens for a long time, and sometimes too expensive), since it can be difficult to obtain systematic knowledge.

This was the case until recently, when it became possible to improve the technical level using online training courses on the School of Security website.

What courses?

At this stage of the project, the School of Security is launching basic online courses in the following areas:

CCTV (security television);
Digital video and network technologies;
Fiber optic technology;
Biometric technologies;
Basic principles of electrical engineering.
The School of Safety plans to create specialized courses of a higher level.

Who are these courses intended for?

It is easier to ask the question differently: who does not need these courses?

They are not needed by specialists who have been working in these areas for many years (they may find this basic knowledge elementary).

As for beginners in the listed areas, each of these courses can be very useful for them.

It would seem, well, who needs the basic principles of electrical engineering?

At school, everyone learned about physics, about electrons and neutrons, and about magnetism, and about Kirchhoff's equations, and about coils with capacitors, even about diodes with transistors.

However, in reality it turns out that they did teach, but it turns out that not everyone remembers it.

Take advertising specialists, for example: the specifics of the market dictate the need for them to know at least the basic principles of electrical engineering (so that power is indicated in watts, not volts, in press releases and brochures).
Or take designers, who sometimes forget to take into account the drop in supply voltage on wires going to security alarms, video cameras or electric locks.

And how many devices fail due to the fault of installers who do not know the basics of electrical engineering!

Let's be honest — universal computerization teaches young people to think in very high categories, but it also sometimes confuses them in the simplest life situations, when a confident knowledge of Ohm's law is required.

The above applies to the basic principles of electrical engineering, but similar arguments can be made for any of the listed courses; is it worth further agitating for the need to study?

Who is the author of these courses?

The author of these courses is Jayant Kapatker, President of STAM Multimedia Inc. (USA).

He has significant experience in the security systems market: 10 years of work in India and Nepal (in the Philips representative office he organized in Kathmandu), 3 years of work in Spain, 12 years of work in Australia, where he organized the design and installation company Visiontech in the field of security television.

In Australia, Giant Kapatker also founded a training company where, together with Vlado Damjanovski, he conducted training for security specialists.

His original CCTV course on CD has been distributed in more than 50 countries around the world and has had a revolutionary impact on CCTV training methods.

Advantages of online training

In short, online training for security specialists is:
independent choice of a convenient speed for completing the training material, choice of a convenient place for training, access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week wherever there is Internet, interactive audio and visual content, Russian-language interface, testing and obtaining certificates online.

In conclusion, it should probably be said that this form of training is attractive to specialists who want to expand their horizons, to obtain basic knowledge in the listed disciplines, as well as for company managers — everyone who understands that investing in education is one of the most profitable.

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