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Resolution of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of March 13, 1992 N 2507-1 On the procedure for introducing the law of the Russian Federation On operational-search activities in the Russian Federation.

Resolution of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of March 13, 1992 N 2507-1 On the procedure for introducing the law of the Russian Federation On operational-search activities in the Russian Federation.

Resolution of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of March 13, 1992 N 2507-1

«On the procedure for putting into effect the Law of the Russian Federation «On operational-search activities in the Russian Federation»

The Supreme Council of the Russian Federation resolves:

1. To put into effect the Law of the Russian Federation «On operational-search activities in the Russian Federation» from the date of its publication.

2. To recommend to the President of the Russian Federation, within one month, to determine the procedure for spending financial resources allocated for operational-search activities.

3. The Committees of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation on legality, law and order and the fight against crime, on defense and security, on legislation shall ensure control over the implementation of operational-search activities on the territory of the Russian Federation and the expenditure of financial resources allocated for these purposes.

4. The Committee of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation on Legality, Law and Order and the Fight against Crime, together with the Committee of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation on Legislation, shall, within one month, prepare for submission to the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation a draft law of the Russian Federation «On Amendments and Supplements to the Criminal Code of the RSFSR and the Criminal Procedure Code of the RSFSR in Connection with the Adoption of the Law of the Russian Federation «On Operational Investigative Activities in the Russian Federation».

5. The Committee of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation on Defense and Security, within three months, shall develop and submit for consideration by the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation draft laws of the Russian Federation «On Security Agencies» and «On State Secrets».

6. The Government of the Russian Federation, within two months:

shall adopt the necessary legal acts to implement the provisions of the Law of the Russian Federation «On Operational Investigative Activities in the Russian Federation»;

shall ensure the revision and cancellation by the ministries and departments authorized to carry out operational investigative activities on the territory of the Russian Federation of their regulatory acts that contradict the said Law.

7. The ministries and departments vested with powers by the Law of the Russian Federation «On Operational Investigative Activities in the Russian Federation» the right to carry out operational-search activities on the territory of the Russian Federation, to issue regulatory acts in pursuance of this Law by May 1, 1992.

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