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Participation of TC 234 in the work of IEC TC 79 IEC 62642-2-6 and the draft GOST R «Point magnetic contact security detectors».
Earlier, we introduced readers to the position of TC 234 on the documents of IEC TC 79 on the development of the international standard IEC 626422-2 «Security alarm systems — Passive infrared detectors».
And in this article, we would like to analyze two documents at once: the new international IEC 62642-2-6 standard and the draft Russian national standard GOST R «Point magnetic contact security detectors».
In December last year, a new international standard IEC 62642-2 6 «Alarm systems — Burglar alarm systems — Magnetic contact detectors» was released.
The standard was prepared, developed and adopted within the framework of the work of the technical committee for standardization of the International Electrotechnical Commission IEC TC 79 «Security systems and alarm systems».
The standard was adopted and put into effect on the basis of the following working documents of IEC TC 79:
- 79/266/CDV – the committee draft for voting in the first version, with the deadline for closing the voting on the document being May 7, 2010;
- 79/305b/RVC – a summary table of the voting results, reflecting the positions of countries on the submitted document;
- 79/325/FDIS – the final version of the IEC draft standard, submitted for voting, with the deadline for closing the voting on the document being December 3, 2010;
- 79/331b/RVD – summary table of the results of the voting by countries on the draft final version of the IEC draft standard.
The European standard EN 50131-2-6, developed by CENELEC TC 79, which was published at the regional level in 2008, was proposed as a draft international IEC standard.
This document is intended to cancel the corresponding standard of the IEC 60839 series.
The IEC 62642-2-6 standard applies to magnetic contact detectors used to block the opening of doors or windows in a room.
However, detectors of this type have a wider range.
They are used not only to block doors and windows, but also to block gates, containers and other large structures, various items «for movement», to create «trap» type devices on the likely path of an intruder in a protected room.
The structure of the IEC 62642-2-6 standard, its terminology, normative references, the order of presentation of general technical requirements and testing methods for magnetic contact detectors are in conflict with the standards for technical means of security alarms in force in the Russian Federation, such as GOST 26342-84, GOST R 52435 2005, GOST R 52551-2006.
The IEC 62642-2-6 standard introduces 4 classes of magnetic contact detectors, differing in the presence or absence of various design «options».
For example, such options as: «indication of generated notifications», «additional functions of protection from external magnetic influence», «protection from damage to connecting lines», «protection from removal from the mounting surface», «protection from a decrease in supply voltage», «protection from complete power failure», «use of coded magnetic pairs of control and executive elements».
The IEC 62642-2-6 standard divides magnetic contact detectors into 4 safety classes depending on the degree of risk: Class 1 — low risk; Class 2 — above low, but below average risk; Class 3 — average risk; Class 4 — high risk.
As in the previous article published in «Security Algorithm» No. 1-2011, dedicated to positions of the Russian National Standardization Committee on the draft standard IEC 62642-2-2, here we also provide in Table 1 a classification of magnetic contact detectors depending on the events processed.
Table 2 provides signals or messages that must be produced by the detector depending on the event (IEC 62642-2-6).
We admit that from a scientific point of view, the IEC 62642-2-6 standard may be of some interest, but for a real manufacturer it is “not viable” because it has significant limitations in practical application in the field of production, quality control and safety of this type of detectors, as well as their implementation and operation at protected facilities.
At the stage of coordinating the draft standard IEC 62642-2-6, the Russian national technical committee for standardization TC 234 voted on May 7, 2010 on document 79/266/CDV «against», having submitted to the secretariat of IEC TC 79 a number of technical comments and proposals.
The position of the Russian national committee for standardization TC 234 was agreed upon with such members of TC 234 as JSC Ryazan Plant of Metal-Ceramic Instruments, NPP Magneto-Contact and NPKF Komplekstroyservis, which are leading Russian manufacturers and suppliers of magnetic contact detectors.
Unfortunately, in the published IEC 62642-2-6 standard we «practically» did not see the «contribution» of Russian specialists to this work. It should be noted that the main shortcomings of the IEC 62642-2-6 standard include the following.
The requirements given in sections 4.1 and 4.2 (tables 1 and 2 in this article) are set out without taking into account the actual characteristics of modern detectors of this type, contain excessive requirements, the fulfillment of which may lead to a loss of competitiveness of products in the market, which contradicts the goals of standardization established in article 11 of the Federal Law on Technical Regulation.
Magnetic contact detectors presented on the Russian market and used at protected facilities can be classified as classes 1 or 2 (in accordance with IEC 62642-2-6), they have a fairly simple design (the main elements are a control magnet and a magnetically controlled reed switch).
The advantages of such detectors are their simplicity, reliability, ergonomics and attractive price.
However, the creation of detectors of classes 3 and 4 (in accordance with the classification of IEC 62642-2-6), which meet such requirements as control of supply voltage reduction, control of magnetic interference, control of selection of coded pairs, formation of indication with the possibility of its remote activation, formation of various types of notifications, will require a significant complication of the design.
This will lead to a significant increase in the size and cost of the detectors, but at the same time will inevitably reduce their reliability.
If in more complex detectors (optical-electronic, radio wave, acoustic and others) the introduction of various design and electronic «options» can still somehow be justified, then in simple magnetic contact sensors such complications look ridiculous and make the products uncompetitive.
In addition, security and safety specialists know simpler and more effective (both technically and economically) ways to increase the functional reliability of security using magnetic contact detectors, in contrast to those proposed for magnetic contact detectors of classes 3 and 4 according to IEC 62642-2-6.
There are also several more «stumbling blocks».
The IEC 62642-2-6 standard allows for the absence of protection against opening in class 1 detectors, which contradicts the requirements of GOST R 52435 (5.15).
The IEC 62642-2-6 standard has not yet (despite Russia's proposals) contained clear requirements for the main functional parameters of magnetic contact detectors, namely: response and recovery distances and permissible mutual displacements of the detector components (setting and actuator units).
The absence of these basic requirements for this type of detectors, determining their quality and the conditions of interaction of their components, contradicts the generally accepted goals of standardization.
A number of technical requirements of this IEC standard contradict the corresponding requirements of GOST R 52435.
The requirement for protection of connecting lines (4.6.8) of the IEC 62642-2-6 standard appears technically controversial (apparently, we are talking about monitoring the parameters of the alarm loop).
In our opinion, this requirement should be provided by control and monitoring devices (see GOST R 52436), and not by detectors.
And most importantly, the IEC 62642-2-6 standard does not contain such mandatory requirements for this type of detectors as:
- reliability requirements, which are characterized by the number of switching cycles, which contradicts the requirements of GOST R 52435 (5.12.4) and GOST 26342 (2.1.2). The reliability of magnetic contact detectors released for circulation on the Russian market must be at least one million switching cycles in electrical modes, which must be established in the standard for this type of detector, taking into account the features of their operation as part of security (alarm) alarm systems;
- requirements for the average service life of detectors;
- interface requirements for this type of detectors, ensuring their compatibility with other technical means (control and monitoring devices, end devices, notification transmission systems, etc.) operating as part of security (alarm) alarm systems, which contradicts the requirements of GOST 26342 (2.1.2-2.1.5, 2.1.7, 2.1.8).
The marking requirements specified in IEC 62642-2-6 do not comply with the requirements of
Technical Regulations on the Safety of Low-Voltage Equipment (Article 6), GOST 28594, GOST R 50775.
The documentation requirements also do not comply with the requirements of the Russian Federation Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights (Article 10), the Technical Regulations on the Safety of Low-Voltage Equipment (Article 7), GOST 2.601 and GOST 2.610.
The IEC 62642-2-6 standard also lacks requirements for materials and components (purchased) products, including requirements for their quality, safety, service life, compliance with the requirements of the purpose and operating conditions of the detectors.
In addition, there are also no safety requirements for this type of detectors, which contradicts the requirements of the legislation on technical regulation and GOST R 52435-2005.
Due to the fact that the IEC 62642-2-6 standard for magnetic contact detectors turned out to be unsuitable for distribution in the territory of the Russian Federation (due to its non-compliance with the requirements of the legislation on technical regulation, the interests of the Russian economy, as well as a number of technical regulations, interstate and national standards related to the object of standardization), it was decided to develop a national standard GOST R «Point magnetic contact security detectors.
General technical requirements and test methods» for this type of detectors, which establishes all the requirements for this type of detectors necessary to ensure the quality, compatibility and safety of products, as well as methods for their testing.
In accordance with the goals and principles of standardization established by the Federal Law on Technical Regulation, as well as within the framework of the implementation of the national standardization program according to TC 234 for 2010, the first edition of the draft national standard GOST R «Point magnetic contact security detectors» was developed.
General technical requirements and test methods», which is intended to create in the Russian Federation a regulatory framework for the development, modernization, serial production and certification of detectors of this class, ensuring their competitiveness and quality, interchangeability of detectors and their components, technical and information compatibility, comparability of research (testing) and measurement results, analyzing detector characteristics, fulfilling government orders, confirming the compliance of detectors with the requirements of the Russian Federation legislation and regulatory legal documents related to the standardization object, including facilitating compliance with the requirements of technical regulations.
The first edition of the draft GOST R was developed taking into account the needs of the national economy of the country and the design features of detectors of this class. The draft GOST R provides for:
- definition of the scope of the standard (section 1);
- formation of a list of standards, other regulatory documents and information sources, which are referenced in the standard being developed (section 2, bibliography);
- establishment of necessary terms with corresponding definitions in addition to the general terminology according to GOST R 50775, GOST R 52435, GOST R 52551 (section 3);
- development of general requirements for serial production, documentation and quality assurance of products in accordance with international requirements, development of technical requirements for the standardized class of detectors in accordance with current standards in this area (section 4), namely: functional requirements, requirements for power supply, resistance to external factors, protection against sabotage, interface, design, components, electromagnetic compatibility, reliability, safety, accompanying documents, completeness, marking, packaging, transportation and storage;
- establishment of testing methods for detectors of this class (section 5) for compliance with the technical requirements established in section 4, as well as the formation of requirements for test rooms, test equipment, measuring instruments and the general procedure for conducting tests.
Established form of development of the national standard GOST R «Point magnetic contact security detectors.
General technical requirements and test methods» allows to harmonize its requirements with the corresponding requirements of international IEC standards for technical means of security alarms operating as part of alarm systems, and also to establish requirements, standards and test methods for point magnetic contact security detectors.
In addition, the draft of this national standard was developed taking into account the requirements of a number of international IEC standards put into effect in the territory of the Russian Federation:
— IEC 60050-221:1990 (IEC 60050-221:1990)/Amd.3:2007) International Electrotechnical Vocabulary. Chapter 221: Magnetic materials and components.
— IEC 62246-1:2002 (IEC 62246-1:2002) Reed Switches – Part 1: Generic Specification.
— IEC 622462:2007 (IEC 62246 2:2007) Reed contact units – Part 2: Heavy duty reed switches.
— IEC 6224621:2008 (IEC/PAS 62246 21:2008) Reed contact units – Part 21: Heavy duty reed switches – Quality assessment specification.
— IEC 604041:2000 (IEC 60404 1:2000) Magnetic materials. Part 1. Classification (Magnetic materials – Part 1: Classification).
— IEC 604045:1993 (IEC 60404 5:1993) Magnetic materials – Part 5: Permanent magnet (magnetically hard) materials – Methods of measurement of magnetic properties;
— IEC 6040481:2004 (IEC 604048 1:2004) Magnetic Materials. Part 81. Specifications for Individual Materials – Magnetically Hard Materials.
— IEC 6224611 Reed switches – Part 11: Quality assessment specification/Reed switches – Part 11: Conformity assessment criteria.
Thus, when developing the draft GOST R, international experience in standardizing various types of products for the production of magnetic contact detectors and testing them was used.
Many years of domestic experience in the production, testing and practical application of magnetic contact detectors at protected facilities of various categories, external and internal operating conditions, and various degrees of risk show that in terms of their parameters, magnetic contact detectors of Russian manufacture are not inferior to magnetic contact detectors of leading foreign manufacturers, and in a number of respects surpass imported analogues.
All values of technical level indicators in the first edition of the draft GOST R were selected taking into account the practice of operating security magnetic contact detectors, technical progress and development of the regulatory framework for technical means of security alarms and related areas, taking into account ensuring the efficiency of operation and the need for detectors, as well as the prospects for the development of sealed magnetically controlled contacts (the main functional element of these detectors).
In accordance with the requirements of GOST R 1.2 (, when developing the first edition of the draft GOST R, the following were taken into account: the requirements of technical regulations in force and being developed in the Russian Federation; the results of research, development, experimental and technological, design work related to the object (aspect) of standardization;
international standards, norms, rules, recommendations and other documents on international standardization;
progressive national standards and technical regulations of other countries;
information on modern achievements of domestic and foreign science, engineering and technology in this area, materials of international forums, exhibitions and scientific and practical conferences related to the object (aspect) of standardization, including provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (part 4), the Law of the Russian Federation on the Protection of Consumer Rights, the Federal Law on Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements, technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures, on fire safety requirements and on the safety of low-voltage equipment and others.
At the end of 2009, Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 385-FZ «On Amendments to the Federal Law «On Technical Regulation» was adopted, which is aimed at improving the mechanism of technical regulation in order to create conditions for the accelerated updating of the regulatory and technical base establishing mandatory requirements for products and processes.
This Federal Law is aimed at increasing the role of international standards as a mechanism for promoting and ensuring the interests of the Russian Federation in the economic sphere at the international level, as well as the possibility of applying international standards, regional standards and codes of practice, standards and codes of practice of foreign states in order to comply with the requirements of technical regulations in the country.
With the adoption of this Federal Law, the Russian Federation creates a legal basis for the voluntary application and use of the best international experience to solve a wide range of economic problems, overcome technological lag and create conditions for technological renewal of enterprises and organizations in order to increase the competitiveness of domestic products.
At the same time, using the example of the new IEC 6264226 standard for magnetic contact detectors, we have become convinced that the requirements of international standards do not always create “broad prospects” for the domestic market and, unfortunately, international experience may not always be the best.
Therefore, it is necessary that draft international standards be developed taking into account the best practices of Russian specialists.
In order to harmonize domestic and international standards, we believe that it is necessary to intensify work in the following main areas:
¦ involve leading Russian specialists as experts in working groups on draft international standards, since at the stage of drafting a project it is easier to lay down requirements that take into account the interests of Russia;
¦ to initiate the development of international standards based on Russian national standards (such an active position is demonstrated today by the Chinese National Committee, offering «its» standards as draft international standards in all areas of work of IEC TC 79).
This is the position that the management and secretariat of TC 234 adhere to and try to implement «in life». In order to implement these tasks, we hope for a more active position and support from all members of the technical committee for standardization of TC 234, as well as other domestic organizations and enterprises involved in security issues.
«We should not bend to the changing world, let it bend to us …»
A. Zaitsev
Deputy Head of the Federal State Institution Research Center «Security» of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Chairman of TC 234,
N. Malemin
Deputy Head of Department 2 of the Federal State Institution Research Center «Security» of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia,
E. Samyshkina
Senior Researcher of Department 3 of the Federal State Institution Research Center «Security» of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia,
Executive Secretary of TC 234
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