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On rule-making in the field of technical protection of information and ensuring the uniformity of measurements..

On rule-making in the field of technical protection of information and ensuring the uniformity of measurements.

On rule-making in the field of technical protection of information and ensuring the uniformity of measurements.

Nagorny S.I.
Dontsov V.V. Ph.D., Senior Researcher

In order to proceed directly to the discussion of the normative legal framework of «technical protection of information», let us define the concept of «information». It is quite difficult to define the concept of «information» from the point of view of legal science, based on such a multi-faceted approach. In Latin, «informatio» means «explanation», «presentation», «informing». That is why the concept of «information» initially functioned as an element of the language of everyday communication. For the first time, it became the object of deep scientific research with the advent of cybernetics. The founder of this science, N. Wiener, determined that information is neither energy nor matter, but a designation of content received from the outside world in the process of adaptation to it /Wiener N. Cybernetics and Society. Moscow, 1968. p.201/. Here, two important features of this concept are reflected, which are recognized by most researchers of information as a phenomenon.

Firstly, it is established that information is intangible. It is this feature that determines the specificity of legal regulation of information relations.

Secondly, in the definition of N. Wiener it is indicated that information is a certain content, that is, data, facts obtained from the outside world in the process of adaptation, and therefore, in the process of interaction with the outside world. A similar definition can be found in the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov, where information is «data about the surrounding world and the processes occurring in it, perceived by a person or a special device» /Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. Moscow, 1989. p.253/. The concept of «information» is also disclosed there — this is knowledge in some area, news, messages, knowledge, an idea about something.

Let us dwell in more detail on the definition of «information» in various regulatory acts (see Table 1).

Table 1

Federal regulatory act

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