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New methods of opening safes.

New methods of opening safes

New methods of opening safes

The purpose of the first is to protect the contents from exposure to high temperatures, for example, during a fire. Such safes are made of heat-resistant materials and, as a result, are quite easy to break into. They are opened by force method of opening: they simply break through the doors and walls with a crowbar or a hatchet.

Burglar-proof safes, as the name suggests, are designed to maximally secure the safe and make it difficult for a criminal to break in. The space between the thick 10-millimeter walls of the safe is filled with concrete. Since further increase in the concrete layer affects the impressive weight of the safe, marble chips are added to the concrete, reinforcing it. It is also possible to completely replace concrete with composites, which, in addition to high strength, have a relatively light weight.

A good and high-quality lock can also make it difficult to open a safe, but there are no unbreakable locks. Opening is just a question of the burglar's skill and the time it will take. Some companies, of course, try to call their product flawless and unbreakable. Believe me, this is just a marketing ploy to sell products on the market.

A story that happened not long ago in America can be very instructive. Professor Matt Blaze, working at the University of Pennsylvania, being a specialist in computer security systems, decided to check how applicable mathematical methods of attack are to things that have nothing to do with computers.

As an object of research, he took mechanical English locks, famous for their strength and reliability. In the course of his reflections, he quickly realized that regardless of the manufacturer of these locks, an experienced burglar can open them in batches without much effort.

As it turned out, each batch of locks released for sale has two combinations that can open it. The first is unique, and each lock has its own. The second combination is common to the entire batch, and a special master key opens it. Such keys are used by cleaners and maids in large companies and hotels. It turns out that, having only one lock from the batch and the key that opens it, you can find the shape of the general master key for this batch of locks in a couple of minutes. Blaze proved this fact theoretically and was happy to show it in practice, which caused a storm of indignation among manufacturers for disclosing «commercial information that is not subject to disclosure», although, of course, experienced safecrackers were aware of this before and probably took full advantage of the flaw.

New safe locking technologies lead to the discovery of new methods of opening. The tools that were used a good hundred years ago for breaking in will be completely useless for modern burglars. Be that as it may, electronic locks have already waited for their burglars.

Method of opening lockswith keyboard control is called the L-method. It allows you to open not only safes, but also any other keyboard-controlled locks. Not many criminals know it, and even those who know it cannot always use this method. After all, in order to break into a safe in this way, the burglar needs to be completely alone near the lock for some time. For 10-20 minutes, he will prepare the keyboard for removing data. Then he will have to wait until you enter your combination on the lock, and after that, sit over the lock again for at least twenty minutes. Even an experienced burglar will not always dare to carry out such an operation, not to mention amateurs. Moreover, no one guarantees the burglar that even successful execution of the above actions will lead him to his goal. After all, a metal safe can be equipped not only with an electronic, but also with a key lock, both obvious and hidden. And in this case, the L-method is not suitable for use at all.
If you are still afraid of criminals who own the L-method, contact a specialized company for protection against burglary. Experienced specialists will help you equip the safe with the necessary means, give valuable advice, tell you how to protect yourself from burglary.

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