novii federalniizakon o bezopasnosti rf

New federal law On security of the Russian Federation.

New federal law On security of the Russian Federation.

New federal law «On security» of the Russian Federation.

Previous The Federal Law on Security of the Russian Federation was adopted on March 5, 1992, and some of its provisions no longer meet the requirements of modern reality. If we describe the previous Federal Law on Security of the Russian Federation in general terms,: the document contains V sections and 22 regulatory articles. The articles of the first section contain definitions of basic concepts such as «security, vital interests, objects and subjects of security, security threats, security». The second section of the Law examines the main parameters of the security system in the Russian Federation, the features of the functioning of this system. The third section Federal Law on Security of the Russian Federation examines the status and main powers of the Security Council of Russia. The fourth section — financing of security activities, the fifth — control and supervision of security activities.

New law on security

The new law on security defines the basic principles of ensuring state security, public, environmental security, personal security, and other types of security provided for by law, and establishes the powers of all government bodies in the field of security. New law on securitysecures the status of the Security Council of the Russian Federation as a constitutional advisory body that prepares decisions of the president on issues of ensuring security, organizing defense, military construction, defense production, and military-technical cooperation of Russia with foreign states. The new version of the law on security also provides for changes on other issues related to the protection of the constitutional order, sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of Russia, and issues of international cooperation in the field of ensuring security. The new law on securityestablishes the basic principles of ensuring personal security. The document also establishes the content of activities in this area. For this purpose, the relevant powers and functions of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, federal government bodies, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and municipalities are determined. The law secures the right of citizens and public associations to participate in the implementation of state policy in the field of ensuring security.

Basic principles of ensuring security:

The most important part of the new version can be called the basic principles of ensuring security, which the document regulates. The bill provides for 11 areas of activity to ensure state security, public and environmental security, as well as personal security. So, basic principles of ensuring securityin the new edition — forecasting, identifying, analyzing and assessing security threats, as well as developing and implementing a set of operational and long-term measures to prevent and eliminate security threats, localize and neutralize the consequences of their manifestation. According to the document, the main principles of ensuring security are compliance with and protection of human and civil rights and freedoms, legality, consistency and comprehensiveness of the application by government bodies of political, organizational, socio-economic, informational, legal and other measures to ensure security. The bill proclaims the «priority of preventive measures».

Compared to the old one, the new edition of the Law on Security spells out in more detail the powers of the head of state, parliament, government, federal executive bodies, the functions of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments in the field of security.

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