mobilnie roboti dlya obnarujeniya i unichtojeniya vzrivni

Mobile robots for detection and destruction of explosive devices.

MASLOV Oleg Aleksandrovich


Among the many activities to ensure the safety and security of society, issues related to the prevention of terrorist attacks using explosive devices (ED) aimed at destroying and intimidating the civilian population, as well as the destruction of objects of human activity occupy a particularly important place.

Such crimes force specialists all over the world to look for effective ways of combating and counteracting, one of which is the development of mobile robots (MR) designed to detect and destroy explosive devices.

It should be noted that the tasks of designing and creating such robots are quite successfully solved by foreign developers, as evidenced by the wide range of special equipment they offer (Andros Mk V A, Wheelbarrow Mk7, RODE, Castor, Hobo, etc.).

The rapid development of robotic means abroad is primarily due to extensive experience in conducting anti-terrorist warfare.

For modern Russia, such experience is comparatively small.

However, the events of recent years have forced domestic specialists to concentrate their efforts in the field of designing special-purpose mobile robots in order to eliminate the technical vacuum that has arisen.

In a short period of time, a number of domestic models of robotic equipment have emerged, differing in class, purpose and composition of the actuator equipment (“MRK-01”, “MRK-25”, “Scorpion”, “Antiterrorist”, “Scout”, “Bogomol”, etc.).

The listed models of Russian production include the MR “Vesdekhod-TM3” and “Varan”, which are the result of joint cooperation of specialists in various fields.

Mobile robot “Vesdekhod-TM3”

“Vezdekhod-TM3” (photo 1) is an ultra-light class robot, the main purpose of which is visual and acoustic reconnaissance of terrain, premises, vehicles, inspection of hard-to-reach places, detection and destruction of explosive devices.

These are mobile, small-sized robots equipped with lightweight and quickly removable working equipment.

Photo 1. General view of the “Vezdekhod-TM3” MR

“Vezdekhod-TM3” includes a portable remote control (PRC), a wheeled vehicle (TV), working equipment – ​​a manipulator (MN), guidance mechanisms, a VU destroyer and a VU hydraulic destroyer.

The vehicle is a three-axle all-wheel drive wheeled vehicle that serves as a means of delivering working equipment to the site of the operation.

The choice of a wheeled mover (KD) is determined by a number of factors:

  • preferential use of MR in urban infrastructure conditions;
  • simplicity and reliability of the design of the KD;
  • small weight and dimensions of the KD;
  • low energy consumption of the KD actuators, which has a significant impact on the duration of operation from autonomous power sources (APS);
  • increased maneuverability and speed characteristics of the MR.

“Vezdekhod-TM3” is capable of moving on slightly rugged terrain at a speed of up to 1 m/s, overcoming threshold obstacles up to 100 mm high, water obstacles up to 100 mm deep, moving on snow and grass 50 and 100 mm high, respectively. To improve maneuverability and operation of the MR in confined spaces (inside buildings and structures), an onboard turning method is used.

The APS, actuators of the KD and elements of the onboard remote control system (BSDU) are located inside the vehicle, reliably protected from external destructive effects.

The working equipment of the MR includes a manipulator (MP) with two degrees of freedom, two-stage mechanisms for aiming video cameras and a hydrodynamic destroyer.

The extension of the telescopic rod of the MP allows for inspecting hard-to-reach places (the bottom of a car, trash cans, etc.), examining and destroying objects located at a height of up to 1.2 m from the supporting surface.

The MR is controlled from the remote control (photo 2), which contains the controls, and on the front panel there is a color display showing the state of the environment in which the robot operates.

The overview video camera allows the operator to orient the vehicle as it moves along the support surface, and the video camera mounted on the telescopic rod is used to inspect suspicious objects and aim the hydrodynamic destroyer.

The control system allows the operator to remotely control the MR at a distance of up to 600 m when operating via radio and up to 75 m when operating via cable.

Cable control is used when working with a radio interference generator, as well as for work in conditions where radio control is difficult or impossible.

The main technical characteristics are given in Table 1.

Table 1. Main technical characteristics of the MR “Vezdekhod-TM3”

Overall dimensions of the vehicle
— length, mm
— width, mm
— height, mm
Type of vehicle propulsion wheel (6×6)
Overcome obstacles:
— grass height, mm
— snow depth, mm
— depth of flooded surface, mm
— height of threshold obstacles (such as curbstones), mm
up to 100
up to 50
up to 100
up to 100
Lateral stability on hard surfaces, not less than 20°
Angle of ascent and descent on hard surfaces, not less than 20°
Speed ​​of movement on a hard horizontal surface, m/s 1.0
Type of vehicle drives electromechanical
Vehicle weight, kg 24
Vehicle weight in running order, kg 41
Number of degrees of manipulator freedom 4
Raising and lowering the MN rod in the vertical plane 0° — 90°
Extending and retracting the MN telescopic rod by length, mm 400
Guidance of the television surveillance camera (TVCO):
— horizontally
— vertically
± 160°
-15° +45°
Guidance of television aiming camera (TAC), hydraulic destroyer, laser target designators (LTD):
— horizontal
— vertical
± 160°
-120° +30°
Load capacity MN, minimum/maximum reach, kg 6/3
Type of manipulator drives electromechanical
MN mass in equipped state, kg 11
Remote control range:
— via radio channel, within line of sight, m
— via cable, m
TV signal transmission range (subject to line of sight), m 600
Overall dimensions of the remote control:
— length, mm
— width, mm
— height, mm
Weight of remote control unit, kg 12
Continuous operation time of the MRK from the APS (determined by the capacity of the APS located in the TM case, at an ambient temperature of +10° C), min 75

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Photo 2. Portable remote
control panel for the MR “Vesdekhod-TM3”

The destruction of the explosive device is carried out by a hydrodynamic shot (a jet of liquid), while the speed of the shot exceeds the detonation speed of the explosive device, which allows you to save the robot, avoiding an explosion.

In addition to the hydrodynamic destroyer, you can use a blasting container located in front of the vehicle.

The operator brings the vehicle to a suspicious object, drops the container, takes the MR to a safe distance, and then detonates.

Despite the small range of executive equipment, the MR Vezdekhod-TM3 has a number of significant advantages:

  • The small dimensions of the robot combined with its maneuverability make it indispensable for searching and destroying explosive devices in hard-to-reach places;
  • The robot can be delivered to the operation site by conventional vehicles, due to its small weight and dimensions (the weight in the equipped state does not exceed 45 kg) and does not require special devices for unloading and loading;
  • the simplicity of the robotic complex allows its maintenance by a crew of two people;
  • the time it takes to bring the robot to combat readiness does not exceed 15 minutes;
  • low weight, ease of installation and replacement of elements of the working equipment.

“Vesdekhod-TM3” has proven itself in real operating conditions as a simple, unpretentious and reliable robot capable of quickly solving problems related to the detection and destruction of explosive devices.

Promising areas for its improvement include increasing the profile and support cross-country ability of the vehicle, as well as expanding the composition of the working equipment.

Mobile robot “Varan”

“Varan” (photo 3) is a universal light-class robot designed to solve the following problems:

  • conducting television reconnaissance of objects and territories in urban infrastructure and rough terrain;
  • inspection and study of objects suspected of containing explosive devices, located in buildings and on the ground, as well as motor vehicles;
  • destruction of explosive devices or their loading into a special container for transportation to a safe place;
  • delivery to the place of the operation of special equipment serving as a means of diagnosing explosive devices.

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Photo 3. Mobile robot “Varan”

“Varan” consists of a tracked vehicle, working equipment (manipulator, VU destroyers, additional equipment), remote control.

One ​​of the main elements of the mobile robot is the vehicle.

The capabilities of the tracked drive in terms of cross-country ability and traction and transport characteristics significantly expand the scope of application and functionality of the robot as a whole.

High cross-country ability allows overcoming flights of stairs, threshold obstacles up to 200 mm high, water obstacles up to 100 mm deep, moving on snow up to 150 mm high, and traction characteristics allow solving problems associated with the delivery of heavy work equipment and transportation of goods.

The TS body serves both for the installation of working equipment and for the placement and reliable protection of the propulsion drives, BSDU elements, and AIP.

The main element of the robot's working equipment is a manipulator with five degrees of freedom and a gripper on the end link for working with objects under study and fixing special equipment.

The high lifting capacity of the MN allows for the movement and transportation of large-sized objects, freeing up space for searching for and neutralizing explosive devices.

The robot is controlled from a portable control panel, which contains the controls, and on the front panel there is a color display that shows the state of the environment in which the robot operates.

The control system allows the operator to remotely control the robot at a distance of up to 1000 m when operating via radio and up to 200 m when operating via cable.

However, unlike the All-terrain Vehicle, the Varan television system has been significantly expanded and includes television installations (guidance mechanisms and video cameras) and video units (video cameras fixed to the vehicle body and grip), which makes the operator's job much easier.

For detailed examination of suspicious objects, the television system includes video cameras with a zoom lens.

In addition to the main video surveillance system, a remote system delivered by the MR to the site of the operation can be used as an auxiliary system.

The main technical characteristics of the MR “Varan” are given in Table 2.

Table 2. Main technical characteristics of the MR “Varan”

Overall dimensions of the mobile robot (MR) in the transport position:
— length, mm
— width, mm
— height, mm
Type of vehicle propulsion tracked
Overcome obstacles:
— slopes along the course
— slopes in the transverse direction
— slope of the stair flight to be overcome
— water obstacles, mm
— snow cover, mm
— threshold obstacles, m
up to 100
up to 150
Speed ​​of movement on a hard horizontal surface, m/s 0.65
Type of vehicle drives electromechanical
Weight of the manipulator in the equipped state, kg 185
Number of degrees of freedom of the manipulator 5
Loading capacity MN, nominal/maximum, kg 30/50
Type of manipulator drives electromechanical
Remote control range:
— via radio channel, within line of sight, m
— by cable, m
Overall dimensions of the remote control:
— length, mm
— width, mm
— height, mm
Weight of remote control, kg 12
Continuous operation time of MR from APS, h 4

“Varan” is equipped with additional equipment, allowing:

  • transport a radio jammer or explosion-proof container;
  • carry out the evacuation of vehicles;
  • examine hard-to-reach places (such as the bottom of a vehicle) for explosive devices, deliver and aim hydrodynamic destroyers at explosive devices in hard-to-reach places;
  • install and activate a gun;
  • aim the gun and hydrodynamic destroyers at explosive devices;
  • secure two barrel hydro-destroyers in a grip;
  • manipulate objects of various shapes and sizes;
  • control the movement of the MR during maintenance and when loading the MR for transportation without using the remote control.

“Varan” can be used not only for the disposal of explosive devices, but also as a basis for the creation of mobile robots for extinguishing fires, the consequences of chemical contamination of the area, clearing rubble in radioactively contaminated areas, etc.

In conclusion, it should be noted that on the basis of the MR “Varan” and “Vesdekhod-TM3” it is possible to create a mobile explosive-technical complex that combines the main advantages of each model:

  • maneuverability, high-speed characteristics of movement, ease of maintenance and preparation for the operation of the Vesdekhod-TM3 robot;
  • high cross-country ability and versatility of the “Varan” robot.

The core of such a complex should be the universal mobile robot Varan”, and “Vesdekhod-TM3” can serve as an auxiliary reconnaissance robot.

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