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How does the Talking House Glacis save your money?.

How does the Talking House Glacis save your money? How does the Talking House Glacis save your money? 1. With the help of the Glacis System, you can almost always conclude an Agreement with a security (monitoring) agency. In this case, the agency will receive voice messages on their phones about criminal cases at your facility, and in accordance with the Agreement will take all necessary measures to help.
Your savings: You do not need to buy equipment from the agency and order work on its installation. And you can always switch to service from another agency, or refuse service altogether (see p. 2).

2. You may not enter into an Agreement with any security (monitoring) agency, since you and up to 6 other people (members of your family and/or trusted persons) may receive voice messages on their phones about criminal incidents at your facility, and you will be able to promptly take the necessary measures to eliminate losses and damage.
Your savings: You save regular expenses on paying for agency services.

3. If an incident occurs at your facility (flooding, fire, criminal intrusion), you will learn about it immediately, so that you and/or your authorized representatives can arrive at the facility earlier or almost simultaneously with all special services (arrived under the Agreement with you, or at your separate call), and control the correctness of their actions, preventing errors or abuses.
Your savings: You reduce losses from the development of the incident and from the incorrect actions of special services.

4. When concluding a Property Insurance Agreement, as well as an Accident Insurance Agreement, you can always request a discount from the insurer on the basis that the Glacis system installed at your facility reduces the likelihood of insurance events many times over, and reduces losses many times over when an insurance event develops, automatically preventing their development and informing the owners about what is happening.
Your savings: You save regular expenses on paying for the insurer's services.

5. You can set up the operation scenario of the heating, climate control and/or lighting equipment in such a way that it will consume electricity only at the necessary time, when people are in the room, and the rest of the time it will work in the «standby» mode.
Your savings: You save regular expenses on paying for electricity.

6. You can equip your partially incapacitated family members (children, elderly, sick) with wireless key fobs with a call button. With such a key fob, a child can walk in an area limited by the reception range of the key fob's radio signal; in this case, the system will transmit a signal about the child's excessive removal, or if he or she presses the panic button; a sick elderly person with such a key fob will feel more confident and calmer.
Your savings: You save regular expenses on paying for on-duty personnel (nanny, caregiver); These costs can be eliminated completely or reduced due to lower direct time costs and lower staff responsibility.

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