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Fire safety components.

Any owner of real estate, be it private housing (apartment, cottage, summer house) or commercial property (shop, warehouse, office), faces the task of ensuring the protection of their asset from various types of emergencies. If theft threatens the loss of part of the property, flooding — a conflict with neighbors and repairs, then a fire can simply destroy real estate and property. This is one of the most serious dangers that threaten any building. The Caesar Satellite company presents its professional view on the solution to the problem of protecting a house, apartment or office from fire.

First, let's look at the numbers. According to official statistics from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, more than 200,000 fires occur in the Russian Federation every year, killing about 15,000 people. These figures are comparable to the combat losses of the Soviet Union during the entire war in Afghanistan. The material damage amounts to billions of rubles. Over the past year, several fires have caused a huge stir in Russia — in a nightclub in Perm, in a nursing home in the Komi Republic. And how many cases do not reach the public due to their local nature. Meanwhile, each fire is a serious threat to someone's life and well-being.
To avoid your home or store being included in these annual statistics, you need to take care of security measures in advance. First, you need to find a serious company with a proven reputation and well-trained specialists. Fire protection is a serious thing and it is better to entrust it to professionals. Serious players in the security market, and they are easy to identify. In Moscow and the Moscow region, the leader is the company «Caesar Satellite», which today provides security to 70,000 clients.

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The contractor has been found – now it is necessary to develop a project for protecting the property. It is preferable that the project is not standard, but specially developed taking into account the specifics of the apartment, house or office. As it happens when contacting Caesar Satellite, when qualified engineers come to the client, inspect the property and offer a project for a fire and security system that takes into account all the features of the property to the maximum extent. When organizing a security system, the manufacturer of the equipment is important – the less well-known the company and the less experience it has in the security systems market, the higher the risk that a failure will occur at the right moment and the alarm signal will not be sent to emergency services. Caesar Satellite works with the largest manufacturers of fire and security systems, such as ADT, General Electric, Jablotron.
Not so long ago, when constructing fire alarm systems, the choice of sensors was limited to only two types: heat and smoke. Now the situation has changed — in most premises, sensors are installed that not only react to smoke in the room, but other types are also used. In the boiler room, if the house is gasified, it makes sense to install a sensor that reacts to a gas leak: in the event of a volumetric explosion, there is neither flame nor smoke. Combined heat and smoke sensors have appeared that react both to an increase in the thermal background and to smoke. In addition to fire safety, the owner of the property can ensure the protection of property in the event of a number of other emergencies: illegal entry, theft, water leakage and gas leakage. Such comprehensive solutions to the issue of property security are effectively implemented by the specialists of Caesar Satellite. The cost of a comprehensive protection system is higher than that of a fire alarm, but the advantages of maximum security outweigh the possible costs. «Caesar Satellite» offers the following sets of fire alarm systems for the protection of real estate, which use wired and wireless equipment from such well-known manufacturers as ADT and Jablotron.
Wired «Caesar Satellite» systems (sensors and control panel are connected by wires) are mainly installed at the stage of repair or construction of premises. They use wired sensors that transmit signals via a regular telephone line.
Wireless «Caesar Satellite» systems (sensors and control panel are connected via a radio channel) can be installed in premises with completed repairs.
Reliability of transmission of alarm signals can be achieved by duplicating them through GSM/GPRS cellular communication channels.
When setting up real estate for protection by Caesar Satellite, the client can either install a security and fire alarm system in the simplest configuration with a minimum number of sensors, or expand its capabilities in the future by increasing the number of sensors and providing protection against a range of threats — fire, illegal entry, theft, gas leakage and water leakage, emergency power outage.

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Another fundamental point is the need to ensure maintenance of the installed equipment. Any equipment can fail without proper control or due to improper use. While everything is calm, the malfunction may not be noticeable, but in a crisis situation, the existing breakdown will most likely lead to serious consequences.
The client of «Caesar Satellite» is reliably protected from such a situation: under the contract, the company's specialists will ensure constant monitoring of the condition of the equipment and its repair if necessary during the warranty period. After the end of the warranty, «Caesar Satellite» clients have the opportunity to conclude a contract for additional technical maintenance. It assumes that specialists will visit the site within 24 hours from the moment the application is received.
Highly qualified specialists of «Caesar Satellite» will promptly eliminate any problems related to the operation and repair of the fire alarm system, provide detailed advice on the correct operation of the equipment and help to avoid premature repairs and wear.
In addition to the reliability and serviceability of the equipment, the response factor is of the utmost importance. There is a concept of «effective response», meaning providing timely assistance to the client in an emergency. The company «Caesar Satellite» has concluded more than 110 cooperation agreements with state emergency response services, which allows for the arrival of assistance to the scene within a few minutes. Also, employees of our own rapid response team «Caesar Patrol» will arrive at the scene as quickly as possible, who will ensure the safety of the home and the safety of property until the arrival of the client or his authorized persons at the site.
A serious advantage of putting your property under protection in Caesar Satellite is the ability to ensure constant monitoring of the situation at the facility. With the help of round-the-clock monitoring of the situation, a competent specialist, having reacted in time, can stop an emergency in its initial phase. The company's monitoring sites in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar and Samara, thanks to technical solutions from AVAYA and IBM, are united into a single distributed monitoring center. This provides a technical opportunity to ensure instant reception and processing of alarm messages, as well as timely and qualified response to them.
In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that in matters of security, the timeliness of the measures taken is critically important. Many things can be done at the last moment, later. In matters of protecting a house or apartment from fire, «later» is always too late. Those who take care of protecting themselves, their loved ones and their property in advance do not get into the statistics of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

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