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Fire-bioprotection of wood Pirilaks. Protect your home from wood-boring bugs, mold and fire!!
Fire-bioprotection of wood Pirilaks. Protect your home from woodworm, mold and fire!!
Fire protection of wood.
Wood is certainly one of the most important building materials, and as a finishing material, wood has always been valued much more than artificial (even if new-fangled) decoration of premises. However, since wood is a natural material, it is subject to various harmful effects. Let's consider the possible reasons contributing to the irreversible destruction of wooden building and finishing materials.
The main harmful factors leading to warping or destruction of wooden structures:
– destructive effects of fire;
– high humidity;
– damage by fungi and mold;
– destruction of wood by harmful insects (bugs);
– the effect of solar (ultraviolet) rays on the structure of wood.
To extend the service life of wood, it is necessary to choose the right protective coating for it.
Today, in the field of production of modern materials for wood protection, it is especially important to create complex fire-bioprotective compounds in order to solve the problem of preventing ignition and fires. Currently, various innovative options for fire-bioprotection for wood have been developed in Russia and their industrial production has been established.
Let's define the concept of fire-bioprotection.
Fire bioprotection is a comprehensive protective treatment of wood to make it resistant to fire and damage by wood-staining and wood-destroying fungi, as well as insects and bacteria.
There are various types of fire bioprotection:
1. Sequential treatment of wood:
– with antiseptic, fungicidal, biocidal, insecticidal, etc. compounds and preparations;
– with fire-retardant impregnations, compounds, varnishes or paints.
2. Treatment of wood with complex action preparations that combine both fire and bioprotection functions.
Today, the company «Rubezh» can offer consumers high-quality universal preparations that provide maximum fire and bioprotection. They can be used for surface and deep impregnation of wood and materials based on it. At the same time, the durability of fire and bioprotection properties is ensured from three to ten years with surface impregnation and at least thirty years with deep impregnation.
One of such preparations is biopyren OZON 007, which can be successfully used indoors and for external surfaces that are not subject to washing out.
Another complex action preparation is the time-tested FireBioProtection Pirilax. It has been faithfully serving the cause of fire prevention for many years. The composition of Pirilax is constantly being improved. Recently, the quality of this fire-bioprotective impregnation has significantly improved, technological capabilities have increased, and the areas of application have expanded. Fire-bioprotection Pirilax is approved for use in passenger car building and shipbuilding.
All fire-bioprotection offered by the Rubezh company is environmentally safe, non-toxic, has no restrictions on the areas of application, and is especially reliable and effective for facilities that require increased fire safety measures.
Fire-bioprotective compositions can be successfully used in various sectors of the national economy:
– construction of objects, buildings and structures for various purposes, especially low-rise and cottage housing construction;
– fire and bioprotection of buildings and structures carried out by licensed enterprises of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, VDPO, SRO;
– fire and bioprotection of rolling stock and other objects of Russian Railways, as well as river and sea shipping vessels;
– restoration work to preserve monuments of wooden architecture.
In addition to fire and moisture, irreparable damage to wood can be caused by putrefactive microbes and bacteria, wood-boring bugs, mold, and fungi. If blue or black stains or mold spots have formed on the wall of a log house or wooden building, this means that the structure and surface of the wood have been subjected to a harmful attack.
Complex fire-bioprotection of wood: antiseptic treatment and impregnation with fire retardants will help to avoid harmful effects, while preventing the possibility of fire.
Correctly performed fire-bioprotective treatment of wood (fire protection plus antiseptic treatment) can not only prevent the possibility of open fire from any ignition sources, but also protect the wood from biological destruction, while preserving the appearance of the wood structure. Repeatedly treating wooden structures with various types of impregnations or compositions is inconvenient, time-consuming and expensive. The correct approach is the use of preparations that simultaneously provide fire protection and antiseptic treatment using biocides. Antiseptics destroy existing pests and prevent the emergence of new ones, and fire-resistant components included in fire-bioprotective preparations provide the necessary degree of fire protection.
In conclusion of the article, we suggest that you watch a video that clearly demonstrates the process of preserving a wooden house model treated with the fire-bioprotective composition Pirilax manufactured by NPP NORT.
This non-salt impregnation for wood protects against the destructive effects of fire, as well as fungi, blue stain, mold and wood insects. The impregnation contains substances chemically «related» to wood, which evenly penetrate into the wood to a depth of 2 to 3 mm. Due to the complex process of physical and chemical reactions, strong complexes of cellulose and lignin are formed, fixed in the wood protected by Pirilax.
Rubezh specialists will help you choose the optimal fire-bioprotective composition suitable for your conditions, taking into account all operational requirements. Antiseptics-fire retardants can be used both for new wooden structures that have not yet been processed, and for additional antiseptic treatment of previously impregnated wood.
Carrying out thorough fire-bioprotective treatment will avoid unnecessary expenses in the future and preserve the attractive appearance of wooden buildings for many years.
Source: Fire Protection and Antiseptics
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