Drawing up an anti-terroristic security passport for an institution.
Drawing up a passport of anti-terrorist protection of an institution
Anti-terrorist protection of educational institutions
Today, our country is actively working to create a special set of measures aimed at anti-terrorist protection of educational institutions. The following measures are important here: strengthening the material base; stable preventive work aimed at increasing the attention of the personnel of educational institutions to the problem of terrorism; developing skills for prompt and timely response to the threat of terrorism.
As for the technical side of the issue of ensuring anti-terrorist protection of educational institutions, a certain minimum of mandatory equipment has been developed here that must be installed. Panic buttons must be installed in educational institutions; non-departmental security services must be provided; barriers and road signs must be installed to prevent unauthorized entry of outside vehicles. As part of anti-terrorist protection, a pass system is organized with a log of visits to the educational institution by outsiders; daily inspections and checks of the premises are carried out by persons appointed responsible for the security of the institutions, with a view to detecting foreign objects.
The training of the personnel and the students themselves is carried out by studying and practicing the actions provided for in the instructions for countering terrorist attacks. During the training events, the procedure for actions in the event of a terrorist attack is practiced, similar to the course of fire and tactical exercises. In addition, issues of anti-terrorist security are specially considered at meetings of pedagogical councils, as part of life safety lessons. Scheduled and unscheduled training at facilities is carried out under the supervision and guidance of the civil defense and emergency response agencies. Ensuring the constant availability of visual information, special memos related to anti-terrorist security are created and hung on the walls.
Antiterrorist security passport of the institution
One of the mandatory documents for the protection of the institution is Anti-terrorist protection passport of an institution. Identical passports are developed for institutions of the following types: educational, healthcare, social services, culture, sports, retail, catering, etc. The passport is necessary for the implementation of measures to prevent terrorism, minimize it, and eliminate the consequences of its manifestations at the above-mentioned facilities. Antiterrorist protection passport of an institutionis an information and reference document containing information about the object's compliance with the requirements for its protection from acts of terrorism. Preparing such a passport is a little more complicated than, for example, drawing up fire extinguishing cards.
The document must be drawn up in four copies and agreed upon with the Main Directorate of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters. Changes to the contents of the passport are made additionally as needed, with an indication of the time and reasons for their introduction. There may be several grounds for making changes to the anti-terrorist protection passport:
— change or establishment by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, decisions of the anti-terrorist commission of additional special requirements for ensuring the protection of the population and facilities from acts of terrorism;
— change in the development of the territory of the facility or after completion of major repairs, reconstruction or modernization of buildings, premises and structures of the facility;
— change in the profile of the facility's activities or the composition of tenants of buildings, premises and structures of the facility at a multi-profile facility;
— change in the security scheme of the facility, its additional equipment or re-equipment with modern technical means of control, protection, video surveillance, etc.;
— change in the owner of the facility, its name or organizational and legal form.
Standard anti-terrorist security passport
There is a general form for drawing up a standard anti-terrorist security passport for any institution. The document must consist of a title page, which indicates the document approval stamp with a personal signature, initials and surname of the head of the facility and the seal of the organization. The passport annotation contains information about the developers and sources of information for developing the Passport. The content of the standard anti-terrorist security passport includes the following items: general information about the organization (name, address, characteristics of the facility parameters); facility profile; operating mode; characteristics of the location of the facility; information about the facility's employees (number); measures to ensure security at the facility, including the presence of automated security systems at the facility.; information about the security of the facility.
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