Video surveillance system for a cottage.
Given: 2-storey cottage with an underground garage and a private plot of up to 50 acres, fenced around the perimeter.
Task: select equipment for the video system observations cottage, providing video monitoring of the premises and territory of the site.
Solution: we will proceed from this, that the purpose of the cottage video surveillance system is to provide video monitoring of the area m of the site, an overview of the courtyard, and observation of the premises of the cottage.
Video cameras for the cottage video surveillance system:
Outdoor video cameras
We will need at least 5 outdoor video cameras: four for perimeter security и oднa для oбзopa нaибoлee вaжнoгo учacткa внутpeннeгo двopa зaгopoднoгo дoмa.
В кaчecтвe уличныx видeoкaмep нaблюдeния зa пepимeтpoм учacткa пpeдпoчтитeльнo иcпoльзoвaть High sensitivity black and white cameras.
For example, these could be SF-161 video cameras. The technical parameters of video cameras ensure long-term and reliable operation in Russian weather conditions.
The appearance of the video cameras is also important. The protective thermal casing, inside of which the surveillance camera is located, is made of aluminum and coated with a special coloring composition. Even after 10 years, the protective thermal casing will not rust, and the paint on it will not crack or “peel off.”
Video cameras inside the cottage
br />The choice of internal cameras largely depends on the interior, and therefore on the preferences of the owners. In any case, to ensure sufficient information content of the image, it is necessary to use color video cameras.
You can use There are Tedd TCC-4012 dome video cameras. Their appearance will fit harmoniously into the interior without disturbing the aesthetic balance.
For covert installation, you should use (if this does not violate the laws of your country) hidden video cameras with a special o Pin-hole lens.
These can be either miniature, unpackaged video cameras, secretly installed in the walls, or standard surveillance cameras with Pin-hole lenses.
However, we recommend choosing video cameras in a standard case.
The fact is that miniature surveillance cameras in the process of working It will heat up significantly — up to 50 C.
In the absence of natural ventilation [inside the wall with a hidden installation], such heating can lead to premature failure of the cameras.
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