blok kontrolya linii opovesheniya kak vajnii element sist

Warning line control unit as an important element of the warning and evacuation management system.

Warning line control unit as an important element of the warning and evacuation management system.

Alert line control unit as an important element of the alert and evacuation control system

A modern notification system must meet the requirements set out in a number of regulatory documents, among which the fundamental one is the set of fire safety rules SP 3.13130.2009. It was developed in accordance with Article 84 of the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 N 123-FZ «Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements». Clause 3.4 of these rules states: Radio channel connecting lines, as well as connecting lines in the SOUE with voice notification must be provided with a system for automatic monitoring of their operability.

For devices of notification systems that do not have a line monitoring function, in connection with modern fire safety requirements, UK «Arsenal Bezopasnosti» released the BKLO module (alert line monitoring unit).

The BKLO module is designed to control warning devices with integrity monitoring of warning and control lines. BKLO is controlled from any type of control panel (CPP) with relay outputs. All types of sound, light, combined and voice alarms with protection against reverse polarity in the power supply circuit are connected to the device's warning line (in the absence of protection, the alarms are connected via a rectifier diode on the positive supply line). The integrity of the alarm loop as part of the warning system is monitored by reverse polarity voltage using an end-of-line resistor located next to the last alarm in this loop.

BKLO has a power control indicator, control and warning line indicators, an audible fault alarm, and an output for switching the «fault» signal. The BKLO module is available in two versions for the supply voltage of alarms of 12 V and 24 V.

In case of line fault (break, short circuit), the faulty line indicator flashes, the sound signaling device sounds intermittently, and a «fault» signal is given. When the line integrity is restored, the module automatically switches to the «normal» mode.

The following can be connected to the BKLO module:

1. Light, sound and combined alarms manufactured by UK «Arsenal Bezopasnosti» or other manufacturers similar in principle of operation.

2. Light boards manufactured by UK «Arsenal Bezopasnosti» or other manufacturers similar in principle of operation.

3. Voice alarms: «Sonata-M», «Sonata-MD», «Sonata-U» or similar, which include voice alarms when the supply voltage is applied.


It is important to note that the BKLO module is not intended for use in warning systems with the «Sonata-K», «Sonata-K-BR» voice alarm units. In this case, the «Sonata-K-L», «Sonata-K-LD» voice alarm units with line monitoring and the «Sonata-3L», «Sonata-5L» alarms connected to them are used to implement line monitoring.

Technical specifications: supply voltage 10?13.8V, total load current of the notification line no more than 5A, current consumption in the «normal» state no more than 20 mA, number of control lines 4, number of notification lines 4, number of operating modes 5, operating temperature range -30…+50C, overall dimensions 90x75x24mm.

At present, the BKLO module is available in a caseless design and is designed for installation inside power supply units (such as Impulse-5) or control and monitoring devices. In 2011, it is planned to release the BKLO module in a separate case.

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