Standard solution based on the automatic dialing security and monitoring system «VERS-PK8P-02 TRIO».

Standard solution based on the automatic dialing security and monitoring system «VERS-PK8P-02 TRIO»

Standard solution based on the automatic dialing system for security and monitoring «VERS-PK8P-02 TRIO»

The composition of the automatic dialing system for security and monitoring «VERS-PK8P-02 TRIO»: a fire alarm control panel (8SHS) with an automatic dialing module (ADM) with an antenna and a backup power source built into the device body. The delivery set may also include a microphone with an amplifier for listening to the audio situation at the facility.

The «VERS-PK8P-02 TRIO» device allows you to:
implement a fire alarm system with automatic transmission of voice messages and SMS messages to the user about all events at the facility. Transmission is performed to 8 GSM phone numbers, 8 PSTN numbers, 6 numbers for SMS messages;
connect remote light and sound alarms and the «Exit» information board and monitor the serviceability of their lines (short circuit and break);
configure the device's autodialer module using any cell phone;
remotely control the device's operation by phone:
— using three relays of the device, turn on and off electrical equipment at the facility (air conditioning,
heater, light, etc.);
— arm and disarm alarm loops and loop sections of the device;
— request the current state of alarm loops and the device;
— turn on audio listening at the location of the device.
control the device at the facility (arming, disarming) using the device buttons and the Touch Memory key;
automatically switch to battery power when the main power supply fails;
flexibly configure the device's operating tactics using the device's buttons.

Device operating modes
When in standby mode, the device monitors the status of alarm loops and lines.
With any change in the loop resistance, the device goes into alarm mode, turns on the light and sound alarm and automatically sends a message to the phone numbers specified by the user. To display alarm messages on the security company's control panel, we enter the phone number of the security company's duty post in the MAD. According to the assignment, out of 8 loops, we use 5 loops to protect the apartment. The remaining 3 loops can be used to organize a fire alarm at this facility. The VERS-PK8P-02 TRIO device allows you to do this.

The device's notifications are listed below:
Notification (phrase in voice message and SMS)
silent alarm;
the device is on/working; the 220 V network is off/on;
the device is open/closed;
the alarm is faulty/normal;
the battery is discharged/normal;
the relay is on/off;
invalid command;
unknown message.
How to properly install and start the device at the facility is described in detail in the device operating manual.

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